Jimmy was out shopping

1  2018-11-25 by Horse-Puppies


Yeah guys don't send me this in the mail for Christmas OMG so embarrassing!

Love the posh guy in the suit reading the Financial Times. The Tube is a magical place.

Don't say "posh" in any medium transmitted to American soil you british faggot.

I thought we cleaned them out

Did ya?


It even comes with a starter pack of lube!!!

Mind the gap

even comes with a complimentary Nana Anal Egg

He called dibs on it

Those feet are awful

It should be legally permitted to sock any guy in the mouth who wears sandals with pants

I'd go with the feet. Especially on this guy. Him not being able to see even the last split second of what's about to happen would make me giggle 10 times harder for some reason.


Look to be street shitter's


Dave Lindo is the new Jim Norton.

Pet pussy?

I would probably fuck that thing but the level of shame and sadness afterwards when you’re cleaning it and putting it away would be too much.

That's most of it. Plus the chance you'll die and relatives will eventually run across it. I know it would be hilarious but you're not around to laugh so you'll just be that gross creep who died.

True story, I currently work in a sex/head shop. Those things go for a minimum of $500. There are dudes that have the means to by them like it's nothing. They almost always get lube, toy cleaner and male enhancement pills. In those things in action, it's just a vibration heavy piece of molded silicone Idon't understand if they're this lonely why they don't just get a hooker.