Can you call yourself a "professional" writer if you dont sell any stories for an entire year? Or would you just be a delusional loser with a hobby you have no talent in? Asking for a pal

1  2018-11-25 by nerdxferguson


Im sure most people don’t care, but I really hate this guy. I was thrilled when we found out his pregnant wife ditched him.

Was the child his?

Yes. It was his fiancé maybe? Ditched him with his kid, and he’s such a bitch he doesn’t even see the kid. Just moved on to his current dumpy bitch

She left him for a friend of his, which is even funnier.

I didn’t know this detail. It’s giving me a rod

No, I'm with you. He's a natural repellent.

He refers to everyone as 'child' because he doesn't get to speak to his own child

I still don’t understand how he became a part of the sub

He dared to say he never thought Norm was funny

Totally deserved then

he said norm wasn't funny, we had like maybe 3 people shit talk him with burner accounts on twitter. He got banned for some unrelated shit and insisted we 'went after him' so we actually went after him.

I get it but he's not relevant enough for this sub to care about. He's a kiwi farms lolcow and has no real tie-in to the o&a verse. If anything fucking with losers like this leads to just problems for the sub.

He should thank us for getting his twitter banned so he had the time to write his "novels".

Definition of a professional is someone who gets paid for what they do so....

So if I score money off a chick after sex for a pack of cigarettes at the store before disappearing and never coming back to raise my son, am i a professional sexer? Or am I just a black man?

I wish he’d write his obituary

But, how would he do that, if he's Ded??

(Shinkle about it)

Nothing worse than people who take pride in being productive at something that they're shit at.

I'm sure nana takes pride in the fact he puts out a lot of content too. Too bad it's all shite.

It's the same as saying that you're really good at stepping on rakes.

Sideshow Bob

I've never watched 1 second of Compound Media, but a part of me wants to subscribe and put it on as background noise. I want to know just how awful it is, and how they fill time. I want to hear their most obscure shows.

Please don't

No one's buying, fatass.

Awwwww! Little feller had a good year with his little hobby. Good fa him! My Nanna got a lot of knitting done as well. Well done YOU Patty.

My sister's been writing novels for twenty years. She's not a writer she's a crazy person.

is she single?

No,and she's a teacher. No wonder our kids are doomed.

Nice broken space bar, stupid.

No,and she's a teacher. No wonder our kids are doomed.

They called him two times claptrap cause he used to say everything two times.

Selling something you wrote? What a novel idea.




ME: We don't do fawking baby talk here pal

Writing attracts the most delusional and retarded people. 1% of them are actually talented.

Is this still Cumia’d from Twitter?

I must be a writer, I've got writer's block

You've got writers big cock if you know what I mean

Lol he's hilarious! I can see why he's a comedy writer


not to ruin the fun but.. actually yes, its entirely common for professional writers, 'career writers' to go an entire year or years without actually selling anything.

but I suppose that guy is an asshole either way. just saying.

How do they make money then? Side gig?

How do they make money then? Side gig?

I think they're just like certain contractors - they could sell 1 or more big things in a single month then they just live off those earnings.

I'm not sure how movie scripts work but if they did get some deal where they get some % or 'royalties' or whatever they call it.. something might send them checks long after too.

If you write little posts patting yourself on the back, you're likely a shitty writer which is why no one gives a shit. There are GREAT writers who can't get work why would anyone touch this douche?

Don't quit your dayjob, bigshot writerman.

I think you just need a laptop and to sit at starbucks

No,and she's a teacher. No wonder our kids are doomed.

No,and she's a teacher. No wonder our kids are doomed.