Lying fag who has never done any psychedelics

1  2018-11-25 by YeIsAltRight


Am I supposed to know who this is?

Who is this schmatte

Do you even vice?

lol this nigga likes Vice

Point and laugh at the retard

Vice hasn't been relevant for about 8 years dude.

Nah bro, they have their own TV channel

No they don't


Another quality post from resident mongo number 5.

Are you serious? using that F word, in 2018?

The guy (((tells tall tails))) .

Regarding psychedelics ... they are for cunts , bums, hippies and libtards mahhhhhhnnnn . '' Open your, we are all one ... do you digg that ? "

Be a normal heterosexual . Use only Alcohol

The opster had a lil taste of an acid tab. Nice try with the hate tho.

You are a poor man's LoouisCuck

Is this Porsain?

this guy's pharmacology / organic chemistry knowledge isn't as good as some people think it is, & any potentially philosophical points he tries to make are low-level. & he's an annoying Williamsberg fruit

Watched the frog episode. Waste of time. Dumbest show ever