Yes/No? Compound Media survives the end of 2019

1  2018-11-25 by Puppy_Action_Squad

I say no.


Yes, if only for the fact that he needs this to live. Otherwise he's just sitting around waiting to see if the alcohol-induced dementia, or real dementia comes first. He got a recent 1.2 million dollar emergency loan so presumably the bank would verify that he could pay it back. He doesn't have twitter, this is all he has left that means anything.

Emergency loan?

How did you find out he took a loan?

Can't talk about it.... legit though.

I thought that was a refinance loan for his house. It looks like he only got about $9000 cash out of the loan. Thats no emergency money when u have bills as high as his are. CM will probably fold. But i seriously doubt he doesn't have investments to retire on. This lucky fuck has just made too much money. CM most likely paid for itself they past 4 years. But with the subs lost they cant sustain it anymore.

Compound Media, or Artie Lange?

Who does first?

I bet CP media does first. Keith's leadership is deadlier than fentanyl

As mentioned he needs this to live. It's also become a battle of wills between the trolls and him. Tony is vain, and he also believes he is smarter than us, so he will keep it going till he can reach a point where he can claim he's just taking a normal retirement.

I see the shows getting worse, and maybe a few moving to Gomez's network, but I don't see him folding it up. There will always be crappy shows that see it as a win to be associated with Cumia, no matter how big a mess he is.

No way that it survives in its current format and price.

I say yes, if only because he’ll continue to rent out the studio during its off-hours.

Hell no

I could see Gomez’s network buying CM for pennies, allowing Ant to continue his show for a tiny salary, and Ant gloating about the “merger” as some sort of brilliant business move.