Anthony is the guy who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room for noticing that they're purposefully portraying the black guy positively in the tv commercials and pointing it out like he's cracked some code.

1  2018-11-25 by consensualsexnovd


Ant and Nick Dipaolo were both incensed at the idea of a tv commercial having a female black pharmacist. They'll both end up in an old folks home with a big old honey-child wiping their asses and telling them to hush up about their non-existent fame.

Clucking "Double standard"... "double standard"... "ya right there is a double standard!"

with a big old honey-child

i'm curious if any non-american readers get what is meant by this. care to chime in?

You know what it means.

yeah i do im just curious if the countless euros do w/o googling

Oh I see. They probably know it too since they're all secretely obsessed with American culture.

Not sure why you got downvoted for pointing out the hopeless state of the European Continent.


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This is exactly what will happen. Ant will wind up in some third-rate rest home in a tatty old room he shares with some other anonymous drool cup with an old grainy TV endlessly playing "Moesha" and "In Living Color" reruns because he can't reach or operate the remote, as some health aide from Ghana rubs ointment on his diaper rash and says "sure you were Mr. Cumia, sure you were" when he weakly mumbles about how he used to be a huge radio star. It's practically destiny.

Guess what, there's this recent commercial mocking a black athlete trying to get his mail and they needed to put a black guy in with the white guy that was laughing at him, because they couldn't just have a white guy laughing at a black guy but they didn't want people to think it was an all black neighborhood either so white people would feel included in the advertising.

They also make sure it's the black guy who doesn't know who the football player is because not all black people know each other and follow football.


I've never seen anything so racially neutral in my fucking life.

The sticky hands guy looks disgusted to be in the commercial

I like the silly white guy who gets his hand stuck to Stefan.

Why isn't the negro wearing gold teef and a doorag winding up to play the knockout game with whitey for "the mufugga disrespectin' him"?

South Park did the same thing, but with a depiction of a lynching.

It's almost like advertising companies want to reach as many wallets as possible...

Those people keep reaching for my wallet

That has nothing to do with it. Black people r like 15 percent of the population.

Ant is surely an idiot but make no mistake the motivation of the kikey jew to always make goy look bad when they can. Ita not rocket science

It doesn't matter if blacks are 13 percent of the population. The point is that marketers want to reach as close to 100% of the population as possible. They do this by having black people along with white people in their commercials. If every commercial was just nothing but white people and the occasional black person committing a crime then they would be missing out on that 13% of the population.

It also plays heavily to the white woman aged 20-45. When they see mixed race commercials those women get to project their own feeling of being progressive without any risk or change. They get a dopamine release for doing something positive which is connected to the branding they just watched. It’s almost like those major companies understand how our brains works.

Lmao at any retard who cares about being progressive.

It's also just a simple risk analysis. All it takes is for that commercial to get sucked into the outrage news/social media cycle and now they are fucked. There's no risk in having a white dude rob someone. Not everyone is as dumb as nana when it comes to losing a cushy 7 figure deal by ahhhhhfending someone.

Okay then terrific.

Why is this getting downvoted? Bunch of faggots around here, he's completely right.

Please calm down Mr. Flaherty.

Guess i just forgot to laf *chomp

Because he's not right. His "side" might have a point, but the reality is a different angle. It's that most white people today have white guilt so for these people the scenarios in these commercials leave them feeling good. It's understandable to criticize that, but the dope you're agreeing with is a full blown conspiracy theory retard saying "it's all about making whites look like bad people". No. It's about selling products with marketing that caters to the majority's thinking. Not more.

And why do most white people have white guilt? Retard.

White guilt is manufactured by marxist jews, ok. For the love of fuck.

Marxist kikey heebs use victim status as a means to harbor power. They have grafted their "struggle" on to black and brown people in a way to orchestrate their anger for their own poltical gain.

Jewish Marxism is a cancer on the earth.

No, it's all about normalizing black and white relationships to create a mongrel race.

Black people are notorious for spending more money than white people

makes sense to advertise towards them

Black person wealthy, I believe it's called

It's our tax money though, meh, whatever

There it is.


The hone security commercial with Ving Rhames stopping a white burglar is my favorite.

I'd love to see that little slip of a broad on

He’s also one of these internet intellectuals that thinks pointing out hypocrisy is the highest form of entertainment

Meanwhile hypocrisy is rushing out of his egg-stretched asshole.

Pointing out the hypocrisy, maaahhhnn!

It really has become an easy entry into internet intellectualism.

It's like atheists who for years have been screaming forever and ever about shit in the bible being scientifically impossible. They just can't stop screaming "IT'S RIGHT THERE IN YOUR FUCKIN' BOOK!" again and again and again like they're saying it for the first time. All they can ever do is scream it louder than the last time like a desperately frustrated baby.

It's an apt analogy. Ant keeps ranting about things that everyone already knows, like the fact that black people are loud in movie theaters and have inner-city crime gangs. He doesn't realize how uninteresting these things are to everyone else nor will he just admit that these facts have little to no bearing on his personal or professional life either. The combination of the internet and his own inherent racism has convinced him that this is a VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM that white folks MUST PREPARE FOR and not merely societal observations everyone else already made and filed away as not being relevant to them. Like the atheists, he can't just be content with holding his personal beliefs, he has to pretend he's completely stunned that everyone else doesn't see it too.

He's just another asshole who's perpetually bewildered and furious over the way society has changed since he was young, as if everything would be way better now if time had just stopped the last time he was "cool". And they all act like this thought is new and unique to them, as if their parents, their parents and every generation before didn't think the exact same thing. He's just angry because his life and career (to put it politely) has stagnated because he's getting old so he looks for stupid societal changes to blame even though they're not really relevant to him or his daily life.

This is true but at the same time they do have a point about the media's determination to play switcheroo with facts. Zero people in home invasion situations are portrayed as black, etc.

Of course, but everyone knows this already, pointing it out every day like it's cause for major alarm and not just a gay societal trend playing out on television is boring to listen to. You can joke about it, spoof it, goof on it and make THAT entertaining but just pointing it out isn't entertaining.

He’s also fat and gay and stupid and dumb

Ant is like the boomers who cry nonstop about the liberal media, while refusing to cancel their cable subscription.

You're a fucking simpleton if you don't see the bigger agenda at play with regards to how race is portrayed in media.

We ALL see it. That’s the point, he’s not saying the bias isn’t there, he’s saying the bias is obvious to everyone and Ant and DiPaolo have been humorlessly ranting about it for ten years like they’re blowing people’s minds.


You're a great big dummy ya know that?

Your mother is a cunt

You're from the UK.

Your mother's from the UK

Got eem

It's because he's just really dumb. When dumb people can wrap their head around a little concept they think they're their done cleric with some heightened sense of the real world. That's why so many stupid people are obsessed with 9/11 conspiracies they're brain can go so far that they'll see some college kids video and say "hmm strange coincidences and questions!" But they can't get their brains to go far enough to critically think or use logic to realize the conspiracy is obviously retarded.

Ant is like that but with race. Joe is like that but incredibly more dumb that basically anyone.

im not saying "bush did 9/11" but it sure as fuck wasnt just some arabs in the middle of the desert that did it. Just some crazy coincidence that a feller by the name of larry silverstein purchased and insured the twin towers for 4 billion dollars against terrorist attacks 6 weeks before the attacks.

Yes. Yes it is. Believe me I've read the commission report, I've read what happened from every angle all the connections between the terrorists involved and the history of the group's inception, the planning, the relations and family ties, the previous terrorist attacks, the accounts and reports from the four flights, the victims, inside the towers, those in the White House, those from the Pentagon. It actually very plainly and clearly adds up, you have to be some kind of moron to work around the facts to try and finagle any bullshit theory to even remotely makes sense and once you try and think of how any conspiracy would work you realize just how convoluted and ludicrous and impossible they are. No matter which way you try, there's really no way that makes sense than the very VERY well documented progression, correlation and planning of exactly what happened. The airport surveillance, the black box recordings, the cell phone calls, the blueprints, the communications, the clear step by step documentation of the hijackers, al-Zawahiri, Khalid sheikh Mohammed, bin laden, the 93 bombing (sheikh Mohamed's nephew), the USS Cole, the 1998 embassy attacks, the fact that there are multiple fucking documented instances where they discuss a plot exactly like that of the 9/11 attack. Please just read and see if anything at all supports your claims other than shoddy (at best) coincidences, conjecture, ubsubstantiated claims, and red herrings. By all means prove me wrong

mister larry silverstein just happened to be ill the morning of the attacks where he regularly held breakfast meetings and actually had one scheduled that day. 4 billion dollars and he's alive, sure is one lucky guy that's for sure.

mark wahlberg missed that flight

i bet he was on it

it figures that the hollywood elite would be part of the plot

Silverstein bought an all-risk insurance policy because he was contractually responsible to do so. Was he also a clandestine owner of the WTC during the 93 attack done by the same people who did the 9/11 attacks? Or the innumerable other attempted attacks on the WTC? You don't think his mandatory purchase of insurance wasn't because oh i don't know, the world trade center being the center of world trade!? Was he in cahoots with Bin Laden and Al-Queida? He received 4 billion from the insurance following attacks...but it cost nearly 9 billion to repair so he lost money. Did he also order the planes to hit the Pentagon and coordinate a plane to crash in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania?

yeah i think so

the amount of in your face race mixing on tv this holdiay season is really quite something

theyre going to just have to have it flicker "WHITE WOMEN LOVE BBC" "WHITES MUST CREATE CHILDREN ONLY WITH NONWHITES" like a strobe light in between each frame of the ads

That shit's already painted on the sides of mosques and billboards in England, you just need to put on the They Live glasses.


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Anthony loved it when this subreddit used to purposely portray the black guy in O&A positively.

The guy who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room is NEVER the smartest guy in the room. He is so sure his world view is correct and just a few more black crime stats will convince the rest of us. He is just a common blue color , trailer trash, Long Island ginnie moron.

*collar *Guinea

SwampYankee is a good speller AWRITE

Anthony thinks this is an example of "having a racial opinion" rather than being a racist.

The jew will never stop, he wants you dead and your family line ended. It's not the people warning you about it who are the problem.

The jews will never stop, they use their media monopoly to brainwash the weak into thinking race mixing and mass immigration is natural and desirable.

They wants you dead and your family line ended. It's not the people warning you about it who are the problem. Ant was actually one of very few "famous" people to bring it up. (Because it's a career-ender and gets your public voice deleted).

You can critizise Ant for many thing but this isn't it.

Yeah but I did laugh when Nick Dipaolo said they got a guy braking in the house that looks like Ed Begley Jr.


Lol I’m a better speller than that. BELIEVE me. It must have been autocorrect.

I called my gf a stupid cunt once and she just texted back, "what's a can't?". Running her down with my slightly used Prius was an easy decision.

It's the Jews, stupid.

Your mother's from the UK

I've never seen anything so racially neutral in my fucking life.

I like the silly white guy who gets his hand stuck to Stefan.