Do people really like Opie again or is this some kind of ironic trolling aimed at Cumia?

1  2018-11-25 by JebKush666


Oh literal jeb

You don’t like Opie? Guess the sub has just passed you by oh well let’s of people like the sub, someone said it’s the best it’s ever been yesterday.

Little bit of both. Opie's only real sins are being unfunny and being a liar. Jim, Sam, Anthony, and plenty of others are far more detestable. Plus it's funny to call Opie a chad and all that knowing how mad it must make Anthony when he skims through the subreddit.

Opie's only real sins are being unfunny and being a liar.

are you delusional on purpose or have you just forgotten?

Delusion is an illusion.

Pardon me my allusion.

It's a tempting intrusion.

To sow that confusion.

Anthonys sins have actually collided with actual laws.

His lack of pedophilia carried the day. The bar is set low.

it started out as a shitty ironic bit, but like 60% of the sheep that went along with it started to unironically like the faggot.

not everyone is a mindless dolt though, some of us know what a piece of human garbage that lump of shit is.

Never fucked a child or a tranny, tho.

ive already said ants the worst. tits is second though which is why his ballwashers are as revolting as nanas ballwashers

You are such a whiny cunt.

youre the one whining here faggot

No, I'm not.

"waaaaaah stop with the truths it hurts me waaaah"

sounds like whining to me. i suggest getting cancer as your next move, how bout them apples

Mate you're the one on every post crying that people love Opie and it's not fair. Like right here. Whinging again. Faggot!

"waaaaah" - you

You're bad at this.

I don't hate Opie, because he isn't a piece of shit at heart, like Jimmy, Sam and Anthony are. Fair enough?

yea he is

Why did God take Philip Marma and let you live?

because i speak nothing but truths, im unable to not do that

I go with the flow.

Down the toilet.

Like the show.

Nice try with the hate tho.

Not a bit. This place don't do irony and baby noises.

We love opie

We've always loved opie

because i speak nothing but truths, im unable to not do that