Antifa and the Left cant meme.

1  2018-11-25 by TangerineReam

Seriously: This is what they hope to use and hype up, so that it eventually eclipses the "influence" and "damage" that Pepe the Frog did in culture. Every meme I've seen of this guy is so fucking gay and DESPERATE, that it just reeks of "fellow kids", inside and out.

People who did Pepe meme's back in the day, did it to steam the clams of the Left. They really didn't believe in any of the taboo shit they were posting. They didn't really believe in anything for that matter. The Left, on the other hand, believes in EVERYTHING, no matter how pseudo (biological sex is a lie, Patriarchy is everywhere, people are Nazi's if they disagree with me, etc).

Coming from the former camp makes for better jokes overall. Coming from the latter camp just makes your faggotry seem even more faggoty.



It tries way too hard. Plus it's gay.

You said it pal

I tapped out wha happened?

I guess Joe Cumia figured out the alt accounts thing.

Wrong, people did "really mean it" with Pepe. You sound like a Boomer homo. Kill yourself.

Eww do you ever think before posting this gay shit. Even for a gay radio forum this is very gay

>They didn't really believe in anything for that matter.


You're a fucking gay cunt and you can best believe that.

Nice essay, you homo

You should shed your mortal coil