Just listened to some old cip where Danny gives Patrice shit over playing a clip

1  2018-11-25 by smelter250

Fucking annoying jew fag


Patrice lost that one. Rare but he lost.

Disagree, Danny was still the cunt in the situation just like every other one.

You jerk off hanging upside down like a 1940s era batman too?

Danny was technically right in that case, but he blew it by being an indignant asshole, as per usual.

He was an asshole but in this case I think he was right.

Agreed, but his pal/lover Anthony could have backed him up/given him cover? Lotta problems in that relationship.

He was 100% right but the hook nose automatically lost that battle for him

Agreed, like the guitar hero thing.

Patrice panicked and cried like a baby for getting called out on his ignorance. Danny did nothing wrong.

Oh look, another anti Semitic post about me!
