It Never Stops

1  2018-11-24 by crookedmile


Why isn’t he playing as the darkies then?

He keeps trying to play as Hannibal

What’s Buress got to do with this?!?!?

I think he means the dude from the A Team.

Obersturmführer Ndibi


Oh no you're back

How's the IBS, shit bowels?

You better check your diaper bro, because that was a gut buster!

You better check your diaper bro because that was a gut buster!

He should only play the Rommel based maps.

I get it. Best response. Too smart for most of this crowd.

lots of people know about north africa. it’s not rocket science to know some historical fact

For this sub?

you're retarded

Are you a Rick and Morty fan?

Never seen it

Too busy trying to find out if there's an underage trap option.

No Missy sitting uncomfortably on the floor because your blacks won't properly furnish their abodes.

Don't worry. When he finishes solving the race wars, he can go back to being funny again.

Race wars...why is "diversity" such a problem?

Whites are less than 10% of the world's population, a global minority.

What makes everyone think they are entitled to white minority spaces?

There's no need to post 20 times in one thread every thread.

why cant you make a woman come?

Pfft...I made some chubby slut cum twice recently pounding her from the back while she talked to her husband on the phone in prison. I'm guessing he was jerking off idk.

I was pretty drunk and just lasted forever, so she really had to eventually get off twice after so long tbh.

This bitch just randomly messages me on a dating site and says "My husband is in prison and wants to listen to me get fucked and you're cute so I was just wondering"

So she shows up like an hour later and ya know 👉👌

I'll never understand that line of thinking, but the dude's wife had some really good pussy.


safe spaces are in

Social commentary Ant is a fucking dullard.

Thats all he is now, comedy ant doesn't exist anymore.



You have social commentary Ant and comedy Ant. If social commentary Ant walks through the door, he will KILL comedy Ant! An Ant, divided against itself, CANNOT stand!

But it can kneel.

Tss kneeling room only tss

Sometimes I think comedy Ant never existed

He's more machine now, than man. Twisted and evil.

Dullard means unintelligent, not dull. Anthony is obviously both, but I think you meant to write that Anthony is dull, which is incorrect with the word you used.


how are you gonna tell him what he meant to write? dullard works in the way he used it.


It works grammatically but I it makes more sense to say Any is boring in this context rather than saying Anthtony is unintellligent.

I just have this sincere feeling he meant to say Ant’s Commentary was dull.

I meant it both ways you pedantic cunt. Nice "Anthtony," stupid.

Holy shit Tranth we get it you think White is the best shit ever.

Hes right, but hes still not getting allowed into the club

Next he’ll tell us how the nazis were the best dressed and NASA never allowed niggers.

He really is about a tedious piece of shit

Niggers will have their own space program one day, just give it about 20 thousand years or so.

Who else invented literally anything?

Sorry, mongrel, but whitey done made all da stuff n shiet

China, dummy.

I'm aware that the chinks make fireworks. Anything else?

It's pretty bad when the only thing anyone can point to is "China made gunpowder and Arabs created, like, the number zero, maaaahn"

Cool, but we're talking about the automobile, aircraft, computers, rocketry, space flight, the concept of democracy, ending the ancient practice of slavery...

A modicum of gratitude would be appreciated. Just sayin'...

Wtf did you contribute? Except for another Saturday night fighting white genocide online?

I'm reaping the rewards of my ancestor's ingenuity in the form of "White Privilege".

White countries didn't just become the best places to live for no reason.

Go live in a less white country and learn how Natural Selection works, faggot.

And after all the generations of hard work your ancestors poured into setting a foundation for their descendants, you're carrying on their legacy by blathering on Reddit about niggers at 11pm. Your forefathers would think you're an embarrassing faggot.

Genetics make the culture.

I'm not sure why your type tries to seperate certain attributes of a population's ancestors from the behavior and general cognitive abilities of the modern day descendents of said population.

You only ever do this with white people, ever notice that?

Are you doing an Anthony impression? Are you Anthony on an alt account?

Who else invented literally anything?

Face it dude, you're brainless.

China didn't invent shit

China didn't invent shit

Only two weeks ago he was still on Twitter? It seems so much longer.

Let's karaoke.

60 year old faggot crying about video games. Pathetic

He didn't visit his dying mother for her final 1,827 days she was alive. Crying about videogame avatars dovetails neatly into that emotionally healthy existence.

Nice eloquent take on Ant's pathology, smarty.

I included 2 leap year days through sheer lack of effort to look at the calendar, so i honestly wasn't feeling that great about myself, but your words of encouragement really helped, thanks guy!

I genuinely I calculated the days in my comment. Legitimately.

You would tell us if you didn’t

God why would he buy & play a video game that he knows will just make him angry?

This emotional disaster of a man is addicted to rage.

Jesus Christ his father really fucked him up mentally. He never has been and never will be happy. He’ll be miserable and furious until the day he dies.

Goes from furious to scared by making two older dudes argue in front of him.

Now Missy's gone it's just him, all alone and drinking, popping pills and rambling to himself about race until 7am when he blacks out. Loser.

Wait Missy left him too?

He can't afford to lease her anymore

I hope she put more of that lonely old man's valuables in cat shit before she left


In fairness that description I think applies to half of this sub reddit on any given weekend.

I’d put a bet on that a good proportion of this sub cannot sleep sober

I been sober for almost 2 weeks, brothaman!

Good for you.

I've been sober for about 7 hours.

i'm not legal to drive for another few hours you PUSSY


Considering he pretends to be a white man every other moment of the day you'd think he'd welcome the break.

Poor Beavis must constantly have to listen to this shit.

He probably gets scared and lets out little pellet cat shits every time Ant yells at the stupid TV

I couldn't imagine giving that much thought into how dark the complexion of a video game character is. I couldn't.

Only a rotten, poisoned and obsessed mind would even NOTICE

"Only a rotten, poisoned and obsessed mind would even NOTICE"

I agree. Fucking jews.

This "diversity" shit was never a topic of discussion in the US before allowing 10s of thousands of jews from Eastern Europe in during the early 20th century.

It only took about 20-30 years after their arrival before it became a big issue.

The game is made by EA DICE. Imagine the sadness of Ant reading that on the case, thinking of a funny, timely game-related line to say as Dice, then realizing that Beavis is the only one left in the Compound and he doesn’t understand Dice impressions.

No one under the age of 40 knows who Dice is.

who even really notices this type of shit? He is so obsessed, he already brought this up on RAP. What a plop of shit he has become.

Remember, this is on his coffee table.

How the fuck can he relate to a soldier from WWII?

There was a lot of child rape that occurred in the Japanese invasion of China during WW2. Even babies according to some accounts during Nanking.

Italy also fought in WWII, and on the right side I might add.

They actually fought on the Axis side.


oh umm ok

I'm sure most of the guys fighting on the side of the Allies would agree if they saw what is happening to their countries today.

Those silly German were defeated by a bunch of cucks lol

You're probably right, I'm sure your average American G.I. in WWII was fighting for an America where millions of third world spics, somalis, and inbred sandniggers could one day outnumber the founding European population.

I'm sure the British soldiers in WWII would have fought Hitler's xenophobia even harder if they knew that only about a million of their great granddaughters would be raped by Muslims in the name of diversity.

Same with Canada, Australia, etc...

It was obviously what they would have wanted.

why are you agenda posting on the subreddit of a long defunct radio show?

Lol, that is funny coming from you. I recognize your SN from here and the old MDE subreddit.

All you ever do is "agenda post". You just seem to dislike it from another persepective and now pretend you're shocked that anyone would engage in such nonsense

You leftist faggots can never just be honest about your motives because your ideology is bullshit and you have no logical defense for it. Think about it, dipshit.

MDE fag

lol figures go spam some BLACKed threads you cuck

I only heard about MDE from this sub actually. I've been here for 7 years...



Donate to my patreon

wtf I’m redpilled now

Not quite BASED tho

Have you read Culture of Critique?

Not yet but I hear people are reading culture of critique

It certainly explains the somewhat hyperbolic points I make in a more civilized manner.

Aren't you like half latino and half asian or something? Your opinions on European group strategy aren't really important and no one will ever take them in to consideration.

Your obsession with arguing against white ethnic interests as a legitimate political movement is itself an evolutionary strategy.


I'm a Slav from the Balkans retardo I just think the entirety of nu-MDE and /pol/ is cringe namely due to zoomers such as yourself that view everything through a political lense

Everything is political in "Western" societies. When their countries were majority white and not being intentionally subverted with mass immigration and anti white propaganda, they didn't have to be so political.

You're acting like "white identity politics" was really a choice.

shut up you fat nerd

You lose, Mr. (((Slav)))

c’mon lemme smash those cheeks

Would you Settle somewhere so Pale?

Oh literal /u/Belchides


No, I was being serious.

There is really no argument about the truth of that statement from the perspective of more and more Europeans every day after realizing what happened to their countries when their (((side))) won.

nazis lost, get over it you sad cuck

They were just ahead of their time apparently.

I don't understand how you can't see the writing on the wall with the current global situation. Propaganda isn't quite good enough yet to overcome thousands of years of evolution.

Meh, we'll see what happens

We've all been banned from there for one reason or another. I called someone a rat and was banned.

it was an auto-ban just for making a comment in this sub

I got ban from 2 did ones after commenting in MDE

They didn’t visit his mom, either.

Because he was 18 years old when the war started

Plus, you never see your own character unless you're looking at some stupid fucking cosmetic screen like this. All these skins and trinkets are why AAA games are getting worse.

He should be forced to play a faggot dago, -50 to all stats. What a burden they were to the germans.

Next he will be bitching they have no Italian War Hero level

Haha. Good point. Haha.

When you're happy in life, you don't have those kinds of weird thoughts.

This line of thinking only applies to white people, though.

Funny how that works.

You think Nana Cumia is white? Righhhhhhhhttttt....
What's next are you going to tell me he's not a pockfaced cocksucker? Only whites can be stupid race consumed fucktards? Wrong. Anyone can be a faggot. Just look in the mirror, stupid.

It only seems to bother you when whites act in their own ethnic interests. A global minority! Ugh...what a bigot.

You better just get used to white identity politics being the new normal. It's kind of like prison, whites are naturally less tribal and more independent minded, but when surrounded by less evolved people that tend to be more ethnically aware...whitey gets tribal.

Nice overly long message that no one is going to read, stupid.

Just pointing out some facts of evolution and Natural Selection, bruh.

You must be one of them science deniers.

Bruh? What kind of cunt actually types that shit?

That's the bit!

Nobody cares what you think. Stop trying so hard.

This is just a fact of life. You can continue to pretend you don't know I'm right, I really couldn't care less. Nature will takes it's course regardless.

I think you do care or you wouldn't be regurgitating talking points relentlessly. This place isn't a stage for you to jack off on. Be hateful and funny or soak your fat head.

What "talking points"?

If you could prove me wrong, you would. You obviously disagree, but you have no argument because you have a little bitch thought process and you base everything on emotions.


no they just know any debate is wasted on your stupid ass. Nothing will get done by getting you to change your mind because you ultimately mean nothing. Its like putting a fresh coat of paint on a metal file cabinet in a garbage dump.

Nice analogy, stupid.

You have no argument against anything I've said, you're just a bitch boy faggot that thinks like a woman.


Black crime in Europe during WW2 was off the charts, good thing whitey was there to put a stop to those animals hey Ant.

No, the black crime in Europe skyrocketed a few decades after WWII actually.

No, I realized you were being a faggot and pretending that the amount of violent nigger crime in the US is somehow overblown or just shouldn't be mentioned at all.

I was just countering your snarky bitch point with the fact that lots of Africans have now entered Europe since WWII, and guess what? A very predictable crime rate from that population. It's about the same all over the world.


When are you appearing on TACS next?

Haha..I get it! It must just be because I hate people with shit colored skin.

The fact is, I don't hate every black person I see just because they're ugly and black. I get along with a lot of them usually, but that isn't how you determine how certain populations function as a whole in regards to each other. It's something that will just never work in the grand scheme of things.

There is no historical reasoning for why people think it should anyway

Also, there are around 36,000 homicides in the US alone per year, let's be safe and say that 100% of those were committed by blacks. They would have to do kill at that rate for 167 years to accomplish what Hitler did.

You seem pretty good at math, many did the Nazis kill a day, and for how many years?

Careful, goy. That’s antisemitic math.

I wonder if he ever sleeps in his master bedroom. It seems like (when his basement mutants aren't keeping him company) he spends most of his time downstairs, paranoid in his living room/kitchen and probably sleeps on his couch. He probably can't sleep upstairs because he's terrified he won't be able to escape if the blacks and the RedditTards break in his house. Funny the only break-in he's had is Missy, a psycho wop girlfriend.

Those damned libtards fucking up his Hitler games.

He's not even smart enough to know when he's enjoying a "woke" product. This retard loves the new Star Wars movies too.

Jesus Christ. Just play the game you old cunt.

It's not that people want to play characters they relate to, it's that in a WW2 game they want to larp as Nazis and sheeit. No different than white dudes larping as jungle gooks in Rising Storm.

Imagine gaming while hunched over on your fucking living room coffee table. What an asshole.

He’s closer to a chimpanzee in genetic makeup than the character he’s created. What a demented man, his lack of self awareness knows no bounds.

Imagine actually caring about this shit... AT THAT AGE. and what is it Antwan?? Should there be no colored people or should black people be able to choose/customize their character as to who they “Identify” with. This man wishes he had blue eyes and lighter hair. Sad!

His post is very BroJo esque. And yeah it's almost like game developers listen to suggestions from their audience.


Let me guess... Obersturmführer Cumia, of the Waffen SS Tunisia

People want to play a character who they can relate to.

That the argument people use FOR diversity in video games, movies etc.

Might the worst screen type for a FPS I've ever seen.

He has no growth in his "company", he's so toxic that any of his media clout has dried up, he's almost 60 and alone and drunk on a Saturday night outside of NYC, but he's ugfffff-ended that his the hands of his video game character might be dark.

Haha Yeah, Ant?

Ant actually seems himself as that character on the screen. What a delusional negro.

He found a game he could identify with, then was sad when he realized it was Planet of the Apes.

He's also highlighting a better looking uniform than he's unlocked yet, and he probably won't ever unlock it because he's an elderly man with shaky hands and not enough twitch reflexes for multiplayer FPS. He'll just be wearing the standard helmet as every other mediocre player and bitching in chat about how he got one shot by a black woman with a Kar 98.

When Ant realizes that the real show is us watching his security tapes of what goes on in his house from night before.........

You wish

this man is over 60 years old

He plays on a coffee table the same height as his knees too lmao you know hes garbage at the game.

He's human garbage.

This gaming rig sits on his fucking coffee table. Note the glasses in the bottom right of the pic.

Anthony, you are 60. Just fucking stop already.

In general, he's not wrong. Even when there's a choice, the vast majority of "gamers" pick the male option despite weirdos like me who pick the girl character. In Mass Effect 3, who had a whole trailer and alternate cover for the female main character, something like 80% of players who are recorded having finished the main story picked the male character.

That being said, he didn't create a Tunisian character.



What’s that little screen with two rows of icons beneath the monitor?

It's a Elgato Stream Deck. This elderly woman can't even get the aspect ratio right on when he live streams, what would he need a stream deck for?

Why alt tab to twitter to block someone when you could push a button on an over priced screen?


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What an empty existence.

Jesus who the fuck thinks about race that much? I buy a new game and just fucking play it. Grow up

Can this guy shut up about race for 2 seconds. It’s just cringe at this point Jesus


Pistol <skip>

Rifle <skip>

Shotgun <skip>

Potato peeler <select>

So that’s that G.I. Joseph on the controls then?

His brain is on repeat

Wtf is he doing

Well a broken clock is right twice a day.

Jesus christ, a 60 year old man complaining about video games. Is this REALLY the cumia I grew up listening too?

Bonus points for his unsurprising choice showing his German character. Such a tool.

Yawnthony cumaya at his best.

Wait, i can be a white male in this game? I liked the old battlefields how is this one?

He’s right here, though.

How is he wrong?

I don't think he's wrong, it's just that he's obsessed. Just shut up and play the game.

If something like racial representation in a video game that was released 3 years ago still bothers you, you are a lowlife piece of dog shit with no life. Have fun making less money than Sam Roberts, stupid.

who cares you faggots


Upvote if you recognize the above comment as an expression of subpar intelligence.

How often does he even interact with black people? Even after all that Xanax and Bud Light he still can't calm the fuck down about fake dark skinned people made up of pixels.

His black friend died seven years ago.

if you can't play an NBA game and "relate" to the black person you're playing as, you're just as bad as the cocksucker black, hispanic, female people who whine all day long about representation in entertainment.

YOU needing characters to look exactly like you for you to enjoy the entertainment on a deeper level is an infantile, childish need.

That setup is so fucking bad for his 60 year old back. Get a fucking desk you old fucking queen.

Well, he's right. Blacks were 1% of the US Army in WWII. They spend millions to get every other detail perfect, why not this detail?

Anthony is the type of nigga who will mock black people and women for wanting representation in media, because “why does it matter what race the protagonist is?” While in the same breath imply it’s good to have a white character for white people.

This is some boomer tier shit fellas.

Bunch of fags in here arguing like women

I think the Arab Nazi soldiers commanded more respect then the Italian soldiers in the Third Reich. Might be wrong.

gamer gate livessssss

I love the Battlefield series but I'm not addicted like this nigger.

He's right though, it was weird fighting Germans in BF1, all of them were basically black.


Well he’s not wrong

Only the jew would make something where you can play as dyke spook on d day

Can he play as a potato peeler?

Nice quitting social media, faggot

Just a reminder, ant plays on PC with a controller.

no wonder he's so full of rage and second-hand cum

If he isn’t seeing as much diversity it might be because most players want to play the game not “dress up my GI” and leave it on the default settings

He is everything he says blacks are: no self control, irresponsible, doesn’t think about consequences.

I see what look like pockmarks in the side of that character’s face, so...


Well he isn't wrong.

He keeps trying to play as Hannibal

Obersturmführer Ndibi


He should only play the Rommel based maps.

Bruh? What kind of cunt actually types that shit?

no wonder he's so full of rage and second-hand cum

Too busy trying to find out if there's an underage trap option.