Question for Eye-talian-Americans here:

1  2018-11-24 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

Who is more of a Cafone: Ant or Joe? Why?


My wife is a no-tits-hairy-butthole-American, and she says it's "cavonne" and it means a yucky fat guy. So, Joe.

Nah. I might be spelling it wring, but it means like an ignorant, low-class simp. Can any other Eye-talians comment?

You are right. Joe is definitely the biggest cafone.

He's supercafone

You spelled it right. It's basically a chav, but Italian. Not really used by Italians around NYC.

Ahhh. OK. It should also be noted that were they from South Adrica, the Boers there would derogatorily refer to them as KAFFIRS.

People still use it, but it's like saying "look at that dork," or "what a lop." People use it ironically or if they're old.

Not so much to do with race, but like the ultimate guido--someone who spends all their money on dumb shit like fake biker merch, fake guitars, mouths off all the time, always talking about how they can fuck anyone up, how good they look, but still lives on public assistance or on an income that's obviously short lived that everyone can see but them.

I guess it can be applied to both of them.

They're both stronzos.

Pics plz

Mmm. Calzones.

Nah you spelled moolie wrong

exterminate all dago guinea wop greaser subhumans

Definitely joe because he's a fat piece of shit

Ants more a fanook cause he loves cock

cumias dream of actually being italian

Ziegl heil, racist worms.

We don't recognize either. As prolific murderers, we do have our eyes on a certain C-list celebrity that successfully killed his wife though.

Nah. I might be spelling it wring, but it means like an ignorant, low-class simp. Can any other Eye-talians comment?

Pics plz