This is real

1  2018-11-24 by GayAdmanDonDraper


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Kyle O'Reilly is a goddamn treasure you heathen

Nice name generator name, stupid

I can't believe this weasel has a network.

There's a 9 foot giant standing behind them.

Nah, Adam Cole is a manlet supreme

Sam's a deeply closeted homosexual. This helps him fantasize being pinned down by 4 men, to then go home and play happy family. You just know his wrestling figures stink of shit

He's got this poster hanging over his bed so he can fantasize on the one day of the year they actually have sex.

It's entirely possible Sam was the creep that knocked on Particky's door.

You're not fooling me again

My mom once got me a giant poster of The Rock for my birthday. I hung it up in my room, but decided to take it down because awakening to the image of his scantily-clad, glistening body seemed pretty homoerotic. I was 11 at the time; Sam is 35.

I just started wacking off to mine and eventually grew up to be ghey.

I wonder if we can get Sam in trouble for using WWE copyrighted photos to shill his shitty podcast and patreon.

I sure hope so

big up my boy drew mcintyre!

but yes, sam watches this shite edging

Who even are these guys? In my day you could tell if it was Hulk Hogan or The Macho Man or Andre the Giant or Ric Flair from a thousand yards away. These guys are all the same boring guy. Nice black panties, stupids.

I only recognize Mark Zuckerberg on the left.

The guy on the right is a bartender at the local IPA Microbrewery/Barcade combo. Nice fella, definitely a little gay though.

I think the guy poking out from on top is the Repo Man.

They're all actually really good. The guy on the left even has some legit MMA experience.

They're all boring shitters and you know it. Stop it already.

Whaddya mean? I see Gavin McInnes, Screech from Saved By the Bell, and a couple of other homos.

I think they are jobbers.

Eighty percent of the WWE roster right now is a really mundane looking, generic sounding guy with a really lame name taken out of a phone book.

There's so many WWE/Indy Darling Wrestlers that look exactly like this with boring monikers like Jeff Peters, Bruce Richards and Donny Nordstrom. They also make for truly dull radio because they're all sober video game players and internet addicts who are terrified to do anything but toe the company line lest they get forced to say and do foolish things and lose all their matches.

Ron Bennington was talking about this once and said that back in the day, to be a professional wrestler you had to be a carney and really sell your gimmick. Which meant that you had to develop your own voice and microphone skills.

Now, you have suburban white kids who grew up watching the classic wrestlers, and got into the business despite not really having any talent on the mic or coming up with a gimmick of their own.

What did them in was Batista, Randy Orton and John Cena all getting popular while not really doing anything special in appearance, apparel, persona, acting or anything. Its just what those guys normally are, wrestling under their birth names for Christ's sake. That and WWE is ashamed to be pro wrestling and has sold out to MMA utterly so all the gimmicks and character work is seen as really embarrassing. So professional wrestling isn't cheesy and carney and goofy anymore, so people ditched it for just watching sports. Pro wrestling isn't pro wrestling now.

Buncha god damn vanilla midgets.

Not only is it homoerotic, look at the logos and text and shit... It's like a 4th grader made this. Like how the set of his faggy podcast looks with toys and shoes hanging off the wall... You fucking fairy.

This is what happens when you stop handing out steroids.