Nice of Compound Media to gift us with someone else’s free content.

1  2018-11-24 by pashow84


Ooh, a "free" ad for his piece of shit book! We are so lucky!

Oh wow. Thanks Compound Media!

Free me fridays, more like it.

That picture.

Guess I'm watching Ain't it Fun again.


He kinda looks retarded in this picture


That's the bit!

Malice said when the show first started on Compound that he would be able to gauge people's intelligence by their reaction to the name: sub-110 IQ people won't even see the problem; 110-120 people will see it but won't realize that it's intentional.

/u/dominicanfaggot you need to copyright this and ill forever sub



I listened to the whole interview and enjoyed it. I'm waiting for the audio book.

When you try to out troll us by just pretending to be retarded.

I wasn't trolling, I was 100% serious.

"No sir, I actually am retarded."

You sir, seem to have no objectivity, and must be an Opie mark. Fair enough. This is an Opie & Anthony subreddit correct?

We just have a difference in opinions.

Definitely not an Opiemaniac here, just found it funny how you chose to plow forward into that mouse trap of a reply the dude left for you.

Truth be told I'm very new to Reddit. I figure I will plow forward into many savvy Reddit traps.

Why is he kneeling besides a couch?

This was the last picture Ant took where he looked almost human. It means a lot to him.

This photo was from Anthony’s infamous “Ehhhfended,” video promo. Nice carefree open collar, stupid.

He’s yellow!?

On the edge...of a bridge I hope.

more like Back Friday for his taking it the backside.

Oh wow. Thanks Compound Media!