Fact: O&A was at its best when Norton wasn't there and a better comedian filled in for him

1  2018-11-24 by GayAdmanDonDraper


O&A was 80% mildly interesting/boring with 20% great radio regardless of host mix.

That's about right. One out of four hours of a days show. First hour would be "sleepy/hungry/grumpy" complaining. Last hour would be "let's wrap this up" complaining. A good hour in the middle was the only opportunity for decent radio

And a Bobo phoner

The Bobo phoner thing was all an act.

They would tell Bobo to call in at a certain time, then when he would call in, they would start the whole annoyed, 'ugh, what do you want' act.

Opie would. Anthony and Jim were legitimately sick of him, to e fair

Right. Opie himself, or one of the staff members would tell Bobo to call in, and when he did, Opie would start the annoyed, "Ugh, why are you calling?" act. MUCH to Jim & Ant's consternation.

It was a filler gag. Nothing more.

Close. They called him. Just like Di. They both let it slip on the air.

Yea I remember that, "BOBO! What's so important that you had to interrupt the show?!"

"You...you called me."

Remember how much the Ship Steerer made everyone happy with the Cronuts™ saga, talking to that chef, or bringing in Roland to talk about it?

Let's not forget his absolute (unironic) of 'Buttery Beats' as well


ME: Sam, where we at with the BEWST? I-I-I like a nice blueburry BEWST in the morning. sniff

"Anthony and Jim were legitimately sick of him", yet Nana is seemingly always in his company these days? What happened?

Bobo is the only person Nana doesn’t have to pay to hang around.

I liked when Frenchy would be on. It was funny when he got angry.

The only time i laughed at Frenchy is when they threatened to say the name of the restaurant he worked at, on air. He let out a character-breaking nervous chuckle. But then, that was it.

“How you guys dooeeng? Hey, I’m from the south. I like to drink beer until I pass out”

Tequila & Donut was without Jim, but with Vos. Jim would have slowed that down.

The nopie shows with staff on mic are more like a hang.

The first annual gay day had complete Worm in his prime. And he was legitimately upset that SXM didn't allow any "penetration".

That show was fucking amazing

Yeah it was funny. But The Worm enjoyed it way more than he should have, if he were straight.

Imagine Jim just making akward alcoholic jokes the whole day.

Alcohol AND sugar? The worm would have had a heart attack.

Jim would've been triggered and would leave to catch a phantom flight to Houston.

Ugh! Could you imagine the endless pontification about being an “alcoholic” from Jim if he was there. He would’ve tried to get e-rock to do some gay shit... fuck Jim!





Tequila and donut day was he intro of Denny Falcone!

The nopie shows made me actually appreciate how much Opie had some utility in steering the ship. A nopie show with Bob Kelly and Vos and a Burr caller would be fucking hilarious for the first half hour, but after 35 or 40 minutes when they’d devolved into nothing but trading insults you start think, “Jesus Christ, talk about something.” And then there would be 3 more hours of boring, pointless radio.

fat/mean jimmy is still great, compared to patrice he's nothing but still, the old shows are still great

Patrice was a real comedian... the worm was just destined to be a 3rd mic. He did that well for a very short while until he thought he was something more. He was never anything more.

Yes. Jimmy sucked.

Ranting Jimmy was and is hilarious.

It had to be a comedian that Jim respected and could talk over him. Those were the good shows.

2005-20011 was the best time for guest comedians.


I've been doing radio for fawkin 18000 years


2001 + 1 = 20011



That’s why I loved Burr. He didn’t let Opie talk over him, take any of Anthony’s racial bullshit, and always call Jim out on his homosexuality. Ever watch Burr on J&S now? It’s just endless ass sucking on everyone’s behalf.

Ranting Jimmy was and is hilarious.

You really enjoy a sniveling phony weasel ranting about shit he doesn't understand like his fucking basic bitch Apple phone?

Most of his rants were beyond fucking stupid, just entitled diva shit you expect from women & faggots.

People try and do the "I've always hated Jimmy as much as I hate him now" bit to save face, it comes across as phony.

Ant & Jimmy used to be funny. If they weren't funny, none of us would be here. It'd be as dead as r/covinoandrich is right now.

The problem is they used to be funny:

Then Ant became over-obsessed with the blacks and refused to pull the brakes before that shit derailed his career.

Then Jimmy became over-obsessed with politically correct bullshit and his own interests (MMA, porn stars) as opposed to the beyond stupid rants that got him famous.

Jim has always sucked. The things that I once liked about him are just a reflection on me being tasteless and stupid.

Real talk.

You don’t even believe that as you typed it. Okay seriously bro actually spoke the truth. Stop with the no one was ever funny even once if I don’t like them now.

People try and do the "I've always hated Jimmy as much as I hate him now" bit to save face, it comes across as phony.

I used to like Anthony & listened for him, Burr, Patrice, etc, but other than a few good lines here & there, I hated Jim from the time I started listening. Firstly, just his face & voice annoyed me. The fake tough guy New Yorker shtick coming from a chubby 5'2 buzz cutted mutant in a Kiss shirt who went on 'crazy' rants about his Apple phone & customer service while you guys revered him as some dangerous truth teller, lol. He was always a transparently disingenuous weasel & he would completely flip his personality if someone famous was in the room. How hard was it to tell that he was a worm? Colin Quinn was spelling it out the entire time.

The type of ballwashers Jim has only reinforced the distaste. The army of obese goatee'd tri-state genetic disasters who worshiped him as their martyr like he was some mad man truth teller. Embarrassing. I've posted this ad nauseum, but this is who you guys revere? That's "classic" Jim? Whoa now! This guys obviously tough & weathered, but still not afraid to hit you with deep political insight infused with cornball Family Guy-tier lines about Chris Reeves on a pogo stick? Damn, he's so multi-dimensional! Honestly, he's even more annoying back then. At least now he doesn't pretend to be a tough guy & acts closer to the reality of what a complete faggot he is.

I never thought Chip was funny either & it's pretty mindblowing to me that the subreddit took this long to catch on to the fact that Jim is a fucking prop comic making silly faces in a wig. Don't give me that shit about how it was "GREAT IN THE OLD DAYS THOUGH!" He just said silly shit with a lisp. Grow up, faggot.

You don't have to have liked Jim to have been a fan of the old show. Let me have my fucking opinion, cunt.

You are one hundred percent right. I'd like to add as a side note that Nia, in addition to being a self absorbed diva, didn't bother taking bill's last name. The guy gave her a life and all she does is shit on him and write articles about how Bill paying the bills is so oppressive.

I can't find the clip, but there was this one time Norton was talking about how black audiences didn't "get"/like his standup, and Patrice called into the show and told Jimmy that there was something about his face that rubbed them the wrong way. It was an instinctual response related to physiognomy, and you could tell Jimmy was really bothered to hear it said out loud.

I always genuinely hated him.

Yeah, in hindsight. Back then they were great.

"The fucking press man"

"Delta lost my bag again"

At least half of Jimmy rants were in jest, tongue in cheek.

He hates trees. Have you heard his rant on trees? It's hilarious. I doubt he legitimately hates trees.

That being said, his tech rants and airline rants are awful

Not true

When Nortan was gone filming lucky Louie were some of the best old school O and A.

Jim and Anthony were/are great together. Opie didn't add anything. I'm listening to a lot of old shows and you can hear that Opie was an on air phone screener that would stop the flow by going to the phones.

The Opster was steering the ship and setting things up you dope!

Steering the ship? Yea that's what he'll tell you. You mean bringing it to a screeching hault because he couldn't keep up. You obviously didn't listen stupid

You're just a hater, stupid.

People keep using that ”steer the ship” excuse to make up for this hack called Gregg but I realize what this sub is all about even if Gregs doesn’t.

That is correct

The best shows are with Denny

dude the denny with the oatmeal bomb thing went on for about 65 minutes longer than it needed too.

Not a hater. Opie is given to much credit for adding nothing. I can understand why simple minded dolts like you wouldn't see that.

Off topic. This is about Jim Norton.

You fucking hater.


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The problem with Jimmy is that he never focused on improving either his stand up or his radio abilities and remained mediocre at both. He was surrounded by radio talent at Sirius and brilliant comedians at the Cellar. I guess he could never be simply influenced by anyone without stealing their entire schtick. What a dummy

I don't think Jim chose comedy, I think he kinda stumbled upon it and understood the basics on how to make most people laugh, I don't see potential in his stand up, even in his funny moments, where he's reacting to something said by someone else, you can see the steps he took in his head to get there, he treats comedy like a static formula and that's why he could never turn into a funny comic, he doesn't have the substance nor the talent to be a creative guy.

TLDR: He's a one dimensional hack.

He probably should have concentrated on driving a forklift. Best cascade scenario, he could have been a mildly amusing gay version of Regular Joe.

Jimmy's that Triple-A pitcher that naturally had a great fastball when he was younger but, instead of working hard to become well rounded like all his peers that were called up to the majors, he's still trying to coast off his waning skill at 50.

Except instead of a pitcher he's a catcher and instead of a fastball it's zingers he stole from Dice & Colin and instead of trying to do his job he puts all his energy into a podcast where he wears silly hats like a faggot.

But it's ok. That bit part in the new Robert DeNiro movie is going to pay dividends any day now and even if he gets fired from his radio gig all he has to do is triple the number of theater shows he does per year and he'll be able to keep his autograph mausoleum. It's all ok.

I agree on the standup. I’ve seen him in person a few times and I always had to force myself to laugh.

But I always thought he was outrageously funny on the air. I’ve laughed so hard and so many times to things he’s said on O&A.

Not as funny with just Sam though, I’ll give you that. He needs Ant to bounce off of.

Jimmys best taken was jumping in with barbs. Really really good at that and so fucking fast. The show really shined when they had a soft target for Opie to setup and draw out while Ant & Jim picked them apart.

Opie’s old school radio structure was great for Ant and Jim, forced them to comment on things they would have never talked about on their own and led to very funny one-liners & rants.

I remember how much he made me laugh on the radio and I convinced someone to watch his stand up with me and it was really bad, I felt embarrassed.

Tell us how you really feel haha......

Completely agree. Burr and Patrice did a much better job.

Burr, Patrice, Colin, Dipaolo .......hell, even Patton Oswalt

I always loved Otto on the air.

Some of my favorite bits from the show are talking Grizzly Man with Bill Burr and the country music stuff with Patrice over several appearances. You couldn't have done any of those with Jim because he would sabotage it. The country music bits are a prime example, he would have just thoughtlessly shit on it while Patrice gave it a chance and then riffed on what he was listening to.

Actually, Jim was there for both the Grizzlyman talk with Bill Burr and was there for several of the country music stuff with Patrice and sorry but all were funny. At least try to think of some good examples in this charade everyone does.

Listening to the actual clip on Grizzly Man you are right. I have no recollection of him being there for that one.

What about the Face/Off riff? That was all Jim.

The one where Patrice turned on it? That one was pretty good. I don't think Jim sucked or anything. He had his moments of good to great. I just think he became a hindrance as time moved on. But Opie and Ant both fell into the same trap.

That is why XM wanted and tried to replace Jimmy with Bill Burr in 2005 when Jimmy was out that whole summer filming Lucky Louis.

The Saturday Night Virus was pretty much the line up of who XM wanted to replace Jim with when the opportunity presented itself.

holy shit remember when funny shit used to be on the radio?

goddamn ten years now

Does anybody remember laughter?


I get ALL the LAUGHTER I need every WEEKDAY from 6-10AM CT on "SCORCH and the MORNING X"!!!!

You are relentless. Never change.

Lately I’ve been coming around on that. Patrice , Ant , and Opie was the best line up when Opie would just hang back and steer the ship

Is that what you call it?

100% agree. I was never a huge Norton fan but fuck me if he isn't awful listening back. Tryhard edgy little unfunny faggot.

Sometimes I'll click off an O+A clip the second I know he's in.


Who's the guy replacing him now? I just found a video of the 'Sam and Jim' and it looks like they brought in someone, a younger white dude who's smug and smartassy. A standup comedian.

Norton was really overcompensating, shouting loudly. I turned it off before he started grabbing big funny hats and comedy glasses to do Chip.

Anyways, He's far less funny when he's training his replacement and months away from obscurity.

Haven’t been hearing that in the past 10 years or so

Mark Normand? Is that Jim's replacements name? I think that was the name.

I don't think Jimmy sucked but he was worst than Louis, Patrice, Burr, Vos, Jay Mohr, Fat Piece of Shit Bobby and many others... Unfortunately for him, sometimes his absence meant we were having one of those guys and it would make it seem that he stunk even more than he truly did. Jim can be funny but he is a one trick poney at best.

I remember back when I listened regularly 05-08 Worm would proudly mention at least five times a day he loved tranny hooker shit on his chest. That still his kink?

Other comedians were great in small burst, but most would not be nearly as good if they had Jims time to fill that's just a fact.

Other comedians were great in small bursts, but most would not be nearly as good if they had Jims time to fill.

Nah it was when it was all 3 of them, but Jim and ant did most of the talking

when rich vos came on it was great just to see what the fuck was happening in his head

Nah. Norton's rants and characters were some of the best parts of the show.

Absurd. The funniest hour in O&A history is Happy Days’ black wedding episode and it’s Jim and Ant on fire for an hour straight.

I'm not going to say you're right because it's a small sample size.


A lot of my favourite epidodes are from when he wasn't there.

I'm gonna disagree. I remember thinking how odd it was since his standup was such dogshit compared to guys like Stanhope and Louie, but he was funnier on the radio.

nah he was fine on O&A, sometimes he was even great on there.

This is an example of the "let's all pretend to have x opinion" threads that are frequently seen on this subreddit

Its very possible that in 6 months from now there will be a thread saying that only shows with Norton are funny, which will get as many upvotes and positive replies

You're worthless people, your lives don't matter, your deepest thoughts, feelings and opinions are shallow, baseless ephemera

Jim has always sucked. The things that I once liked about him are just a reflection on me being tasteless and stupid.

People try and do the "I've always hated Jimmy as much as I hate him now" bit to save face, it comes across as phony.

I used to like Anthony & listened for him, Burr, Patrice, etc, but other than a few good lines here & there, I hated Jim from the time I started listening. Firstly, just his face & voice annoyed me. The fake tough guy New Yorker shtick coming from a chubby 5'2 buzz cutted mutant in a Kiss shirt who went on 'crazy' rants about his Apple phone & customer service while you guys revered him as some dangerous truth teller, lol. He was always a transparently disingenuous weasel & he would completely flip his personality if someone famous was in the room. How hard was it to tell that he was a worm? Colin Quinn was spelling it out the entire time.

The type of ballwashers Jim has only reinforced the distaste. The army of obese goatee'd tri-state genetic disasters who worshiped him as their martyr like he was some mad man truth teller. Embarrassing. I've posted this ad nauseum, but this is who you guys revere? That's "classic" Jim? Whoa now! This guys obviously tough & weathered, but still not afraid to hit you with deep political insight infused with cornball Family Guy-tier lines about Chris Reeves on a pogo stick? Damn, he's so multi-dimensional! Honestly, he's even more annoying back then. At least now he doesn't pretend to be a tough guy & acts closer to the reality of what a complete faggot he is.

I never thought Chip was funny either & it's pretty mindblowing to me that the subreddit took this long to catch on to the fact that Jim is a fucking prop comic making silly faces in a wig. Don't give me that shit about how it was "GREAT IN THE OLD DAYS THOUGH!" He just said silly shit with a lisp. Grow up, faggot.

You don't have to have liked Jim to have been a fan of the old show. Let me have my fucking opinion, cunt.

dude the denny with the oatmeal bomb thing went on for about 65 minutes longer than it needed too.

Is that what you call it?

I always genuinely hated him.

The one where Patrice turned on it? That one was pretty good. I don't think Jim sucked or anything. He had his moments of good to great. I just think he became a hindrance as time moved on. But Opie and Ant both fell into the same trap.

ME: Sam, where we at with the BEWST? I-I-I like a nice blueburry BEWST in the morning. sniff