Request: all Sue Lightning evidence compiled to Tweet at Rogan before Ant goes on

1  2018-11-24 by Single_Action_Army

The photos, Danny saying no one but fuckmates get offered a ride in the Mustang, the Venmo payment, the tweets, what else?


The child predator stuff is way more sickening. The full Self Cutting Girl story/proof:



Danny talks about and confirms the Sue Lightning stuff on this thread:

I’m telling you. Rogan only goes after

"Wha's wrong with the damning evidence we got? Pedophilia and what else?"

Woman bitin'

don't forget keith the cock saying "he might've diddled around with him"

I know Mersh is a douche but the ROTC article exposes the molesting of underage girls and Anthony's child rapist friend Kurt Love. That's probably the shit that will get to Rogan as he's got young daughters.

Someone should compile all the racist tweets from all of his Twitter accounts into one album.

Here are the Tweets that got him fired. He admits that he called her a nigger in the very first Tweet, but he's not a racist. He'd tell you if he was. Genuinely.

Here's the thread where Keith confirms to faggot Frunkis that Ant and Sue had a relationship.

After this I wonder if joe buries his head in the sand, or like a real man, confronts ant on the show and sticks up for the kids ant has hurt.

Just have him watch the documentary


Would Rogan out another closet faggot?

Maybe a pedo faggot

Doesn’t Joe do a live thing? Couldn’t we just spam the live chat with a lot of this stuff?

It's a looper.

He doesnt enable/watch/care about the live chat.

This shit is getting old..

Just like Anthony.


Even if you "hate" Anthony, wouldn't the real joy come from watching him fuck himself over?

Don't forget the "I love riding inside it" comment on his Jaguar pic on Instagram.

Also self cutting girl catfishing.

How about asking him why 24,000 people on a subreddit hate him. And then maybe go into detail with some of the memes

Alex (real news) Jones should do some research into his guest host here. But who knows maybe this spaghetti nigger will crash and burn before rogans podcast.

Im pretty sure Joe would just dismiss any thing from reddit/the internet. He doesn't even read comments on his own shit. It would have to get past his tech boy first