Bill burr fans are faggots

1  2018-11-24 by nuckledoodoo


No, these are worse, they're Leslie Jones fans.

The only people that laugh at Leslie Jones do so out of misplaced white guilt.

I disagree.

I laugh at her often.

You mean you laugh at her cringe-worthy attempts at being funny and her ape like features?

[ does the plane swoosh thing ]

This post is fucking stupid and unfunny. You should end your own life

The picture or the title?

The title. Oh wow a white guy proposed to a black girl. That’s bill burr cuz get it, the girl is black!

You must be new around here...

I am the OG of OGS around here actually

Yeah but I still don't wanna ever read that sort of self proclamation on here again you dust ass coffin dodger.

Lots of people actually refer to this sub as “the place that Maynard built” but I’ve never said that though

If Bill Burr wants to get financially raped by a burnt silverback then who are we to judge?

We are what we are, and we're doing the best we can. It is not for you to set the standards by which we should be judged!

Nia fucking sucks. But I don’t get how this post is funny in any way. It’s just a dude proposing to a girl. Do we know these people or did you literally just post it because it’s a black and a white and that’s somehow worthwhile or funny to you?

You spend your days on r/movies and r/television. Stfu faggot, also:

"I'm in my early 30s. Got rid of it around the election and it was the best thing I ever did. All the news that came out shortly after the election just made me look and feel smart and prescient"

Fucking yuck.

He's a douche, and you're a faggot for going through his post history.

Wow I like movies and television shows and talk about them in their designated forums. You fucking got me there. You desperately went through my post history because I pointed out our lame post and that’s what you came up with? Loser

What kind of movies and tv shows do you like?

I just checked your post history to see what you’re about on here (considering posting about movies is uncool to you). You clearly use this account as your edgelord burner and have another account that you keep seperate cuz you probably use it like an actual normal human being and post about your hobbies and normal shit. But you’re such a self conscious faggot that you don’t want the o&a sub to make fun of you for normal mundane shit that a person with a shred of self confidence would not be ashamed by. Unless of course you’re one of these creepy weeb weirdos that seem to frequent here

hey now some of us are edgelords on all of our accounts

Stop writing books and take the beating you insecure mo.

I bet you have a different account to leave comments to girls that post on r/gonewild. Fucking yuck

"I do love pro wrestling and have always prided myself as being a lifelong “out of the closet” wrestling fan. My entire life I have made it look cool to like wrestling. It’s because I’m a cool mother fucker this is in phenomenal shape (I’d honestly guess that I’m somewhere in the 95th percentile of adult males when it comes to fitness) and I have fucked lots of girls in my lifetime, and now I have a hot, cool, girlfriend. I mean you can not believe me, or whatever it doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe me that’s actually cool, it’s like saying “wow this guy sounds so fucking cool and awesome that I can’t even believe he’s real”


The first thing I think of when I see a jacked cool guy that fucks lots of models is that he must post a lot about wrestling on reddit. I bet he's really tough too, he could kick your ass IRL if he saw you.


...just reaching levels of faggot never before thought possible, ugh.

I find it funny that dork responded to every comment in this thread about him except this one.

What a fucking homo.

Oh my fucking god, we got ourselves a cool guy here. How mentally ill must you be to post something like this and not expect to be ripped to shreds for it.

"I do love pro wrestling and have always prided myself as being a lifelong “out of the closet” wrestling fan. My entire life I have made it look cool to like wrestling. It’s because I’m a cool mother fucker this is in phenomenal shape (I’d honestly guess that I’m somewhere in the 95th percentile of adult males when it comes to fitness) and I have fucked lots of girls in my lifetime, and now I have a hot, cool, girlfriend. I mean you can not believe me, or whatever it doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe me that’s actually cool, it’s like saying “wow this guy sounds so fucking cool and awesome that I can’t even believe he’s real”


(Reply to this too)

Interracial love is a superior kind of love because it proves that racism can be vanquished, chuckles.

I agree but she is Iffy... even for a nubian goddess.

ugh, they are both terrible.

Yeah but he's got a great physique.

I wish I had that instead of looking like a microwaved pear.

he looks average. you can easily get that by just losing weight and doing manual labor or working out if you do desk shit all day. I can tell he just works out though because he is out of proportion, his forearms are non-existant and he wears a shirt thats too small to try and show off the guns. he is desperately trying to grow a beard because his face is too small for his head. Probably took him 4 months to cultivate that.

You're so judgmental.

62.8K karma on r/pics

Reddit's paternalistic racism is so much fucking worse than what we do here.

Even the top comment reveals what they think of blacks:

I'm dying at her face. "Hold the fuck up. Are you guys seeing this?" Congrats guys. Enjoy.

The reddit version of "AYO HOL UP, YALL SEEIN THIS SHIT?"

Reddit is a fucking shithole just for how god damn boring that post is. How could anyone enjoy browsing the front page of this site? The comments are all embarrassing too:

Congratulations. I proposed to my wife at Thanksgiving 24 years ago. We're still married and doing our best.

‘Doing our best’.

I love this comment. Seems so genuine, and loving.

I outstanding understand where all of the "I hope you get raped" comments are.

A ton of women started using Reddit a couple years ago and here we are.

You get shadow/banned instantly for posting much more tame shit than "hope you get raped" in most of subs nowadays.

Even constructive posts get you banned if there's even a hint of "negativity", you're supposed to take your SSRIs, upvote the kittens and premade memes, anything else is "trolling."

God I fucking hate the modern internet.

God I fucking hate the modern internet.


Haha the SSRI thing is spot on. I always get the "are you always like this?" There was a thing about how some German doctors had this insanely deadly and fake disease that would help sequester the Jews so they could survive. The title explained the elaborate plot and then said up to 20 Jews were saved. One of the controversial comments pointed out that it was a low number so some queef gets on his high horse and goes "even one would be such an amazing feat in human history." I said "would it?" I guess I'm a troll.

I always get the "are you always like this?"

My favorite post from this genre is "Who hurt you?"

There's so much reddit faggot smugness packed into it that it doubles my heart rate within a second and makes me want to punch something until my fingers are broken.

This is sick.

Yikes! Haha! I agree!

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


reddit is retarded, i really don't get the mentality of cunts that use it, they all pat themselves on the back for shitty jokes/references

I fucking hate that so much.

EDIT:woooooww this really blew up!!!

EDIT 2:RIP my inbox tee hee :DDD

EDIT 3: i cant belive my highest rated comment is about blah blah blah

lol it really is fucking embarrassing, they self-censor as well for good boy points, i hate people

EDIT 4: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Self obsessed faggots with nothing going on in their lives that they feel the need to update a fucking forum comment.

These are the same people who contribute to "KSI Reacts" vids getting 18 million hits on Youtube. They just want to see black people dance for their entertainment.

This is America

Who doesn't enjoy the ol' shuck 'n' jive?

What the audience for black reaction videos wants is acknowledgement.

tfw authentic folx notice me

It's fucked up. Child porn tier.


Reddit is full of 30-40 year old white dudes who think the prime example of being a cool non-racist is having a black girlfriend / wife.

The AYO HOL UP lite "joke" is not the racist part. The fact that this picture would never be anywhere close to the front page if that 3.5/10 of a woman was white is.

These fucking faggots are doing this shit constantly, it's always some black homeless guy or Travon lookalike in a picture that says "this young fellow comes to mow my lawn for $20 every Saturday and he's saving up for an Xbox." This really needs to be seen by millions, a subhuman animal acting just like us!

I made a post not too long ago dissecting the front page. One of the categories of posts that are guaranteed to get tons of votes on any given day is “black people help out old white person” or “white police officer connects with young black kids”

I guess this is an extension of “white and black people do nice things to each other”

Nothing about this photo is remarkable besides the races involved. He’s not going to special lengths to propose, she doesn’t have an amazing reaction. It’s just some white guy telling the world he isn’t racist.

Lol. He took her back to the jungle to propose.

He had to find the father to get permission first

Lol. She doesn't have a father.

They always propose in the place they meet

Some sheboon in 2018 with a shitty natural hairstyle, you know she hates white people but isn’t above marrying one

Well her other option is getting knocked up by a minority and being a single welfare mom

soft bigotry

It's not gonna get hard looking at that.

Why is he proposing to the maid?

" Thomas! "

what kinda no confidence douche marries that face

Look at this dudes face. Look at how much he needs this to work. Tradition is a form of mental illness people.

It isn’t tradition to marry the farm equipment, though.

Reminder: The Proud Boys would be okay with this. The Proud Brothermen would never let this happen.

I hope he looks forward to seeing that purple pussy for the rest of his life.

Soyboy marries his pancake chef.

This might sound a bit harsh, but I don't consider her to be a classic beauty.

That ugly bitch wouldn't be worth me being disowned from my family for.

Looks like he was photoshopped into one of those “blacks acting African” pictures during the Black Panther premiere.

She's not hot, but I bet she's got a fat ass. He's got a male-feminist kinda smug ass-kisser look to him. It won't last 5 years

Some men take virtue signaling so far they will be a race traitor for it. I wonder how much Karma it would have gotten if they were both White?

"Look how ultimately un racist i am. Pats on the back now, please."

He's totally not racist.

that guy could do so much better, jesus christ.

A ton of women started using Reddit a couple years ago and here we are.

The first thing I think of when I see a jacked cool guy that fucks lots of models is that he must post a lot about wrestling on reddit. I bet he's really tough too, he could kick your ass IRL if he saw you.


...just reaching levels of faggot never before thought possible, ugh.

I find it funny that dork responded to every comment in this thread about him except this one.

What a fucking homo.

You get shadow/banned instantly for posting much more tame shit than "hope you get raped" in most of subs nowadays.

Even constructive posts get you banned if there's even a hint of "negativity", you're supposed to take your SSRIs, upvote the kittens and premade memes, anything else is "trolling."

God I fucking hate the modern internet.

Oh my fucking god, we got ourselves a cool guy here. How mentally ill must you be to post something like this and not expect to be ripped to shreds for it.