A better documentarian than Porsalin

1  2018-11-24 by SheddupFaggot


That one woman Louis pumped off in front of looks like one of the People Under The Stairs

So for the record did the unfunny tryhard Nazi Jon Oliver actually do that shit? Is this 100% confirmed that he has multiple accounts where he would praise himself and start conversations with himself about his shitty docs that had to have taken 50+ hours to make?

100% confirmed. Multiple accounts. Tried to increase his Patreon subscribers with them. Shit on Beige. Tried to help people shut down the sub. Doxed Terry Clifford's son. Posted off the record interviews. British.


World class fuckhead.

That is so fucking funny & insane and pathetic. Jesus. And how dare he shit on Beige who makes legit well made and funny docs and is clearly a good boyî

You said it, man.

Beige's docs are way better than porsalin's. You should go support Beige's patreon right now!

That cunt needs to set up a paypal so you can do a one time donation opposed to Patreons monthly ones

The rumor is that Beige panics a lot just trying to figure out what they're gonna do with patreon. But, and you didn't hear this from me, Beige got a better mic and will be trying to not to drink so much.

I was ok with him until the last part. Fuck that limey redcoat

He actually created a thread where he said that Porsalin was too shy and pussy to ask people to contribute to his Patreon so we should show him how much he is appreciated.

Then when he got outed, all he said was that everyone has an alt, no big deal.

That’s so pathetic that it’s actually sad. When you consider how long those docs must have taken him and then consider how important the validation actually was to him. And then the thought of him taking all that extra time to create and log in and out with multiple alts, and then the psychoticness of talking about himself and having conversations with himself. He’s right about one thing though. I do bet you that A LOT of people on here do the same shit in this dumpster fire of depression

Mouthy Buddha is a good editor but this is barely concealed propaganda as a whole.

100% confirmed. Multiple accounts. Tried to increase his Patreon subscribers with them. Shit on Beige. Tried to help people shut down the sub. Doxed Terry Clifford's son. Posted off the record interviews. British.


World class fuckhead.

He actually created a thread where he said that Porsalin was too shy and pussy to ask people to contribute to his Patreon so we should show him how much he is appreciated.

Then when he got outed, all he said was that everyone has an alt, no big deal.