Now that this sub "likes" Opie, will you fags finally admit his Occupy Wallstreet coverage was funny.

1  2018-11-24 by Jimmy_Sucks

From 2011, when he interviewed all those protestors. It was great, and shed heaps of light on how pathetic they all were. Always said it was the 1 entertaining thing Opie did, but it was met with no acknowledgement meaning you all agreed but didnt want to compliment Opie because itd go against the group, you pussies.


Opie is genuinely a better person than ant. I would tell you if wasn't. Brothamane is on top. Deal with it.

The only good thing about it was that Bear Girl. Unfortunately he creeped out in under 30 seconds and she left.

Thanks for the link - it really proves your point!

better when Howard did it

Don’t care about going against the group. Fuck Opie as well as the rest of those geriatric faggots from the show. They are all pukesome in their own ways. I could care less about the degrees, they are all shit.

get cancer. doesnt matter what kind as long as its terminal.

Opie, is Opie .Luckiest fucker, ever,in jaded Radio.Also ,grateful fucker.Learn 2 shirts.