Nana looks to be sporting a cheap toupee

1  2018-11-24 by rob7788


They're individually placed follicles!

This decrepit motherfucker looks permanently miserable. He can’t even fake it anymore.

feels good man

It really is satisfying.

It’s not just misery, it’s fear.

He looks like a man who has a lot of worrying going on.

He has the same anxious face as his little faggot Twitter avatar he had

Huh? What twitter avatar? I tried looking it up and can't find it.

TFW your anal egg is running out of batteries.

TFW more police and security guards show up to your book signing than fans and even then the fans are friends and family.

Too real. I also hear the curb your enthusiasm theme when I see that face.

he's starting to look like that dude Gregg harrassed on the streets of NY.

Just shave your head like your fat, retard brother. Shaving your head bald is accepted. Your people brought that style to the general public.

Shoulda just stuck to wearing a hat all the time

There's a nail in it.

He's got a Morrie's wig. Cumia's going full Goodfellas prop act in 2019.

He can test it in his pool, Morrie's wigs never come off

And remember, Morrie's wigs are tested against hurricane winds

I hope he ends up with an ice pick behind his eye

Money today. TA-DAY! TA-DAY!

ugly guinea faggot

these episodes stink too. same shitty stories and annoying face

get that cat outta here

Must be painful seeing your former hosts passing by.

This is going to be great

I bet Keith hits him.

He thinks he's sexy, shaving his arms and wearing a size small Malcolm in the middle shirt to show off his 11 inch pythons.

life is unfaaaaaiirr

Look at that fucking face.

You can see the shame & pain in those eyes.

That must be Shatner's rug from Wrath of Khan. Seen better days.

Elderly mr robot lookin ass

Couldn't even get a hardcover made just to pose with. Nice hotel lobby pamphlet, stupid.

Hair Plug Tony,Two Shirt Tone Three sharpie,NOBODY.