I’m starting to think we were a little hard on the gay gentleman.

1  2018-11-24 by RBuddCumia


Joe Sr is proof that the butterfly effect isn't real. He knew his sons would be gay failures and no matter what he did, it would not change the outcome.

One often meets their destiny on the path they take to avoid it

City on the edge of obscurity

Don't let the holiday season's generosity weaken you. He cracked a tiny girl's ribs and bit her hand. Never forget.

Do you think that he yelled, "Where the FUCK is my gun? FUCK!" because he was using it to threaten Dani and she hid it from him?

I absolutely think it was either that or she was going to sell it to a nog for some cocaine. Or both.

He Groomed underage kids for him and his other pedo buddy to rape at the compound. I dont think you can go to far messing with someone like that

He let him sleep in a tree fort with a homosexual.

Son of A bitch

I miss being able to harass him on Twitter. This sub is the dog that caught the car.

You guys are mean 🎅🏿

I’m starting to think we were a little hard on the gay gentleman.

Heh-Heh, you said "Hard On"

Do we praise him for knowing what failure was to come or condemn him for not doing more to stop it?

**Anthony used his (once) vast financial resources to buy his way out of A Class D Violent Felony Conviction.

He is a legit violent criminal - never forget

Class D felony convictions in NY carry a maximum of 7yrs in prison. He used his money to buy his way out major criminal convictions

God knows how many young girls he's truly damaged. This is an piece of fucking garbage