How Ant see's /r/O&A

1  2018-11-24 by dmix


The funny part of this clip was that it was after legitimately the worst Itchy and Scratchy ever, when they introduced the new character "Poochie".

Retards have actually defended themselves here by saying they pay for CP Media because they "owe it to Anthony for years of entertainment". You PAID for Sirius/XM and now you're paying for CP Media. He owes it to YOU to do his job, show up for work, put effort into his work, and be entertaining. It"s like Stockholm Syndrome with these suckers.

Not to mention all the writers on The Simpsons got paid handsomely and they made a shit load of money off of ads. And people paid a ton of money for cable TV. No one got shit free... just like SiriusXM.

This isn't about demanding free content or "owing it to us". Hell, if CP or J&S was even a mediocre shadow of the former show I doubt we'd complain as much. But they are far far worse than even than that.

This is about holding people to basic standards and the result of a complete lack of self-awareness.

Only after the show declined in popularity...

$250,000 for a couple of hour's work, in a studio, where you don't even have to get dressed, and can have the script right in front of you, seems a little much though.

Shit, drop $100k on a home studio and an ISDN line, and you don't even have to leave your house.

That's what tbe one dude did... the famous writer who remade the diner he loved working in on his giant house property.

John Schwartzwelder.

And yes, he wrote their best episodes.

The worst is people using Deep Discount because of the owing it to Anthony excuse.

"This Rob Schneider movie I just purchased means that's another penny kicked to Ants way!"

LOL cry more because you are too poor to afford a few bucks a month for a subscription.

Anthony is barney gumble

"This Rob Schneider movie I just purchased means that's another penny kicked to Ants way!"