Today I used an Opie phrase without irony

1  2018-11-24 by Mu_Scevich

As I am walking into the bathroom this morning I announced I had to “drop some hammers” unironically to some family that’s staying with us.

I’m not sure how to feel about using an Opism. Do I feel shame? Pride? Loathing? Elation?

Should I struggle against it or do I accept Opie into my heart?

I’m afraid “Brotherman” might be next...


never take shame in jazzing up your vocabulary brotherman

This mother hucker is someone we should I’ll strive to be!

I feel the occasional mention of a hammer dropping is acceptable. Hell wiping the toilet seat with your sock, in an emergency, is forgivable. However, unironic road sodas, fudgy-wudgy bars, going to snooway, and beach shits means you must check yourself in for a mental evaluation.

Good advice.

You’re not a brotherman unless you ET’d a couple buffalo Betty’s just for the goof

fawk yeah, i'm wearing a dropping hammers shirt right now!

"bruthaman" grew on me, I use it all the time.

I do sometimes too and people respond to it with a little more enthusiasm than I would of expected.

The “brothaman” has been in full effect this holiday season

Nah, you're good. You totally get the bit. We've all had those moments. Sit back with some cold grapefruit beers and listen to some Michael McDonald.

Sounds like a quality Friday night, brotherman.

Opie has a place in our lives

He'll never make us think twice

As we rise up to our apology

Anybody else would surely know

He's watching us grow

In my dumb stupid head that sounds like a good fawkin idea

I've recently been using "dropping hammers" too. The Opester was just ahead of his time...

As people mostly browse this sub on the toilet the sidebar should read ___ people droppin hammers instead of that gay pecka shit

i thought hammers was cumming?

Could mean that too, brothuman! YEEEEEEEEAHHH!

As I am walking into the bathroom this morning I announced I had to “drop some hammers” unironically to some family that’s staying with us.

"And then what happened?"

My kinda-Mexican-looking skateboard friends were fans of a thrash metal band called Drop Hammer a long time ago. I found a song. Not trbl.

If I feel like I have to say a funny-uncle line on the way to the toilet, I go with "Time to play b-sides." Nobody remembers that song.

u/opiesucks 4eva

My friends roommate uses "road sodas" because he's an Opie level tool. I think he goes out of his way to say it around me because I always laugh.

Isn't that code for road head?

Nah I think it's code for car beers, unless he's been trying to sexually proposition me this whole time

I like saying "a little ___ for the opster"

Key word to this whole sub reddit “irony”

I have unironically said brothaman before. It doesn't help that one of my friends who doesn't even know of O&A says it all the time.

On the hierarchy of embarrassing Opie phrases, "dropping hammers," is about the best you can do.


But since i post here, I immediately think "beast shit," whenever I drop a nice hammer.

You're just becoming a real adult man.

Im team Opie all the way these days, but "dropping hammers" was a skateboarding phrase started by a guy named Jim Greco(who ran in some circles with Bam) around the time Opie "started" it, it should be erased from his past


I use brothaman all the time. It's starting to catch on with Co workers and friends