For a bunch of people who love bashing the shit out of others, you're sure treading in dangerous ground with the Reddit TOS. Some of these titles could be seen as bullying. Hate to see you lose your playground here for "hate speech"

1  2018-11-23 by jewboy409


"I'm still hilarious"

Fuck off nana

Wow, this post is too embarrassing. Are ya REALLY "project meyhem"? Haha.

Don't be a retard.

I am enjoying myself.

This isn’t actually the pedophile right? It’s some dick head correct?

It’s not the guy who didn’t visit his dying mother it’s not that spineless piece of garbage.

This can’t be the 80 year old man who admitted he finds 13 year olds attractive.

It’s definitely not the guy who drunkenly lost his gun and beat a woman.

This can't be the guy who has an autistic brother.

You think you're just provoking a bunch of impotant fools here? You think it's just a delusion that this place masterminded Cumia's decline? Better think again, man.

This champion of free speech has threatened to shut down the sub numerous times, doxed subscribers, called people’s employers & schools.

His current misery brings me much joy.

29 posts here? Hahaha!!!! Subs not happy!!??? You dummies are a joke! Your sub means nothing to my shows. What self important assholes!! We are all laughing at you shit heads.

This bit never works.

He’s sure treading dangerous ground, doxing that is meant to threaten or intimidate could constitute invasion of privacy giving the victim ground to file a lawsuit. Especially if he used his subscription service to obtain and reveal the personal information of his users that would make it a private source, I’d hate to see him lose his playground.


If I have 800 subs I'll give you $100,000 too. Your estimates are based on absolutely nothing and so far from true. If I had even close to only 800 subs I'd be completely out of business. I'm really being honest here.

He's The Champion of violating multiple TOS.

Hey, at least I can say we did it for ratings which translated to cash. Honesty, what's your motive? If it's some payback thing it seems a waste of time doesn't it?

Ok Rupert Pupkin. Come to my house this weekend, we'll go over your work.

3 responses. Ouch, I'm feeling the destruction. Holy crap. Morons.

Now, now, now, the Rocket is here. The Undisputed O+A Champion. What seems to be the problem? As the Rocket's friends will tell you, he is a magnanimous champion. Houston, you have a problem.

7 posts! You'll raise a fortune!!! Haha

go scrape the cum out of your pockmarks, you mudgolem looking trash

I hope I was one of the 3 lucky fellas that got to upvote this.

This really scared me, I thought the Nanadook had returned.

The way I see it, it's like if someone made a subreddit dedicated to hating on pedophiles or Nazi war criminals. Reddit would have no issue with that.

Spit it out what are you trying to say?

Probably my crowning achievement on here. Weirdly the sub is far bigger now than it was in great times like this

It was one of the first things I read here and I remember the stark beauty of someone's "shut up, homo" reply.

FREE Speach,Heres da ting.

Are your a Homosexual ?