What a gay fucking retard.

1  2018-11-23 by RBuddCumia


Thesaurus king

*Wordfinder Royalty

I like how he thinks his musings are important.

They are to us, we need our dose of Brother Joe like he needs his fix of kid spit.

Posting a blatantly bias video full of edited and cherry picked clips as some example of how "dumb libtards are"

Boomers on Facebook are killing social media

It doesn't help that legitimate retards like Joe are the people who are advocating this point.


Nice biased, stupid

Pothting a blatantly biath video full of edited and cherry picked clipth atj thome example of how "dumb libtardth are"

Boomerth on Fathebook are killing thothial media

Of course the cocksucking, lisping, liberal reddit faggot prefers a strawman argument rather than addressing even one actual point.


Someone needs attention. Well, do a little dance or something trolly cause you aren't working hard enough.

Dance for your dinner trolly. Dance!

Wow what a bomb you retarded reddit faggot.

Good! You did as you were told little one!! Very, very good! Now reply again. Be a good boy.

Christ you're embarrassing. Kill yourself.

Obedience and trainable. You have a future as a beta little one! Go run along now pup, you're dismissed.

You're incredibly cringeworthy you ludicrous faggot.

“Cerebral horsepower”

Where are those fucking hat removers when you really need them?

He is a clod, desperately trying to seem eloquent.

So...so...so...so...so...so speech makes you ignorant?

♥♥♥ Thesaurus Joe♥♥♥

Reminder: this child has a copy of The Art of the Deal on his dresser. Imagine worshipping anyone, let alone a politician that much.

“Ignorance” says the profoundly retarded North African man.

Cerebral horsepower? What is this, a Shroomtech Sport™ by Onnit™ (That's O-N-N-I-T™) ad?

What a Po Fah

You're incredibly cringeworthy you ludicrous faggot.