A happy and contented Brother Joe and Nana proving those faggot Redditors aren't having any impact on their lives.

1  2018-11-23 by GorramTimebomb


Had the ribs hurting for a minute or so.

No homo but Joe looks good here.

It was laundry day for his shirt I see..

Dude on the left was great in Bone Tomahawk.

I don’t remember Sid Haig in Bone Tonahawk. I’ll have to watch again.

He's in the opening scene with David Arquette. He's the first character to die in the movie iirc.

Sid Haig

Fucking legend

I know he's done a lot more, but he fucking made house of 1000 corpses awesome

Cool it on the tacos, Danny

He's 74. Let the man have his tacos.

Fair enough

Trejo’s tacos, Holmes

Taco Titties

I can't like this. I respect both of those bad hombres enough to not like them being dragged into the pedophile ring that is the cumia family. But i still respect the joke.

Machete don't diddle.

La Ondo don't shine shoes

Tranny Trejo!

Sid Haig is a greek god compared the spit sipper.

Skin complexion too clear to be Anthony.

This reminds me of The Devils Rejects which would have been a good film if Rob Zombie hadn't put his dumb whore wife in it.

I thought she was great in it

She looked good but I thought she couldn't act for shit.

It wasn't near as good as house of 1000 corpses, and she did get annoying in "rejects."

Machete Eats.

The judge from Jackie Brown!

Danny Trejo was a gang member and drug addict that went to prison and turned his life around while all the odds were stacked against him.

Meanwhile AntH made a mockery of the justice system and rehab and continues to abuse drugs. I would not be surprised if he continues to break the law by looking at illegal photos and videos of underaged girls.

Although I don’t want to be too hard on AntH. Danny had it good in comparison, his parents were hard working Mexican immigrants while AntHs parents were crack smoking Long Island wops.

You know the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

Tutti fucking Frutti

" Van Zandt? "

" I'll call a medic..."

That guy is twice as creepy without the makeup

Okay. This is brilliant.

I insist you don't drag a lovely gentleman like Sid Haig into Joe's Faggotry.