"We laugh at the jerk offs that think they are having an impact on our careers. You're beating off into each other's faces with zero effect on our careers." Nana Cumia.

1  2018-11-23 by Mr_Nigel_Igger


That needs to be pinned forever. No one should ever forget.

Archived for posterior.

Say daily basis more, Ant.

You're beating off into each other's faces

He’s not wrong there

Glad that even then everyone gave him a rightful trashing

Nobody told me about the mutual masturbation. I feel left out now.

Sorry, to avoid making it gay only straight members are informed.

Manlet pussy requested B&N security AND cops to escort him out and to his car because he was fwaidy of three little protesters. It's so funny what a tough guy he is online vs reality.

Anthony cumia is what happens when an internet tough guy gets a radio career and pisses it away

This is an inaccurate statement and I don't like you disparaging Anthony Cumia through lies.

It was two protestors.

They were both fat though

Wasn't the faggy voiced guy who was filming it live on Facebook also a protester?

It's as funny as those pound boys getting chased off by teenagers out of a parking lot

Submissive fear smile

No doubt the same phoney, 'everything's just great!' smile he gave while he was being hauled from his home in cuffs after beating Dani Brand.


He's a weak person

Baby boy with more security than Hillary

Orchestrated more rapes too

The moral of this story is: Don’t issue an open challenge to 24,000 people of whom half are disgruntled, incel food service workers who live with their parents or are on government assistance and thusly have no social life or responsibilities, yet lots of anger to channel.

He really is a goddamn Bobo level retard

disgruntled, incel food service workers

I'll have you know that I love being a part of the Panera family and take pride in every turkey cranberry ciabatta I craft.

Thank you for your service

Many of whom he once cheered on and rewarded when they harassed people he didn't like.

Hey I work at GameStop asshole.

I wonder how many of his listeners still talk about the ‘friendzone’

I don't see how the sub had any effect on his book thingie failing. He did that all by himself. All the sub ever achieved was getting him off Twitter. The sub clearly bothers him, but all his failures are his own.

It was only down to members of this sub incessantly tweeting to antifa groups in New York that got those protesters out. All the phone calls to the store contributed to it getting shut down early. Without that Nana's shame of the failed signing would have gone by without being filmed.

Where's Jack Ruby when you need him?

He's still right though. When it comes to fucking up his life our combined efforts still hasn't done as much damage as his drunken thumbs of fury.

The irony of a man calling us delusional while believing himself still relevant and controversial enough that Antifa would give a shit about him. He embarrassed himself in the most humiliating of ways Monday. A delusional old queen.

He’s even a failure as a facist

Surprised he didnt take pictures of that beautiful Scaffolding.

"Walk me to my car! There might be a black somewhere on the street!“

What's the name of your book, stupid?

You're welcome.

He had to hire security after losing all of his guns.

Nice anorak, stupid.

No doubt the same phoney, 'everything's just great!' smile he gave while he was being hauled from his home in cuffs after beating Dani Brand.

He’s even a failure as a facist