I don't know if these even need to be photoshopped.

1  2018-11-23 by frunkiz482


Where the fuck are her tits?


Bench pressed them away

Bitch smell like my plate of discarded crab shells at thanksgiving

She looks the type where crab stink is an improvement over the usual.

Don't act like your pussy don't stank.

It probably smells like cheap liquor and menthol newports down there.

Username checks out

This isn't normal Reddit you daft cunt. Don't say shit like this. Why do you even come here? Get some plastic surgery before you decide to "show off" again.


Bitches who smoke, especially menthols, always have stank pussy. Cigarette smokers are disgusting.

Ant is dating Uncle Joey in drag.


What’s she’s supposed to be? Slutty Seaweed?


This was a stupid Jaws themed party at Nana's mutant Compound.

That just makes this costume make even less sense.

She's supposed to be the girl who gets attacked in the beginning and they found washed up on shore. Really it was just an excuse for her to be half naked and parade her manbody around the party for attention.

She's one of those dead Long Island whores they found in the marsh.

Not yet....


Bitch looks like Jodie Foster. Being told you look like Jodie Foster isn't a compliment ever. It's a hint that you a busted bitch with some nasty ass breath.

She wish, Jodie was a nice dyke in her days.

why didn't anthony buy her some tits?

She’s the opposite of Sue, no tits but the rest of her is manly.

yeah you are right, she would need a lot more than tits to make her look much more like a female

He likes flat chests because he's a faggot.

Here's another one. Her stupid wacky expressions in every photo are infuriating: https://i.imgur.com/5QspfIg.png


I think "Missy" is supposed to be ironic. "Olga" would be more fitting.

This is a thing ugly people do in photos. If anyone points out how ugly they are, they just say “Well yeah of course, I’m making a silly face!”

She looks like she's trying to recreate his book cover.

Nice delts bro

She'll be very helpful chopping up the rest of the wood before winter hits.

This was pre-keys in cat shit Missy.

Tragically, sea turtles often get caught in stray fishing nets and occasionally injured by boat propellers. This is a costume to bring awareness, not something to be casually mocked.

What I like about Missy is that I can tell she's as much of a crazy whore as Dani was. This means she could at any time recreate that drama from a few years ago. If he ever jilts her she could have him arrested or blackmail him or Phil Hartman him (with a borrowed gun, Anthony doesn't have any). She's a doughy time bomb.

Nice granny panties.

My heavens. She’s a real bruiser if I’m being completely honest, gang.

'Poison Ivy' is what every girl gets who stays in the master bedroom at the compound.

She's cosplaying as Lobster Girl. Next, she'll be blowing an intern, while Anthony weeps.

I would nuzzle up on dem biceps

She’s got “the mark of the cumia” on her neck.

Nice Laci Petersen costume, whore

I'd fuck her

Nice needlemark thighs, stupid.