He's "fighting hard" you guys.

1  2018-11-23 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


Lange has said that he expects to return from rehab by the end of the month. 

Sure a month in rehab that'll work, clean living from here on out. What a piece of shit. He needs at least six months to a year if he really wants to kick his habit but he's hamming it up on twitter like he's battling cancer.

Just the worst kind of junkie. Giving all of us a bad name.

Did his fucking nose deflate?

Looks like somebody stuck a knife in a basketball

Wow, 12 days. This waste of life couldn’t even stop his schnoz from hemmoraging for 12 days.

So is his entire septum part of his nose just gone now and there’s just one big hole?

As a long distance runner you gotta be aerodynamic

Leaving rehab to go to comedy night clubs where alcohol and drugs are readily available. Great recovery plan. This guy is so pathetic it and gross.