When The Breakfast Buffet Closes Before You Get To Grab Your Tenth Plate

1  2018-11-23 by decmcg


Blobby Jelly

The only thing he breaks fast is his chair.

Duuuude, you got your flimsy whimsy non steel reinforced chairs dude, you got yourself on your back like a beached whale duuuuude!

I like blobby. But he needs to knock off the shit. Stop eating, selfish. You have a family you dumb asshole, enough already.

No one's asking him to stop eating. Just start eating like a human. 3 reasonably sized meals a day. Don't shove garbage down your throat every time you have the slightest pang of hunger, you fucking weak willed glutton.

That approach obviously doesn't work for him. He needs his stomach stapled or his mouth wired shut.

Good thing he doesn't drink anymore though.

(Theme from Schindler's List plays)


Kitchen staff all surround and embrace him

Nice zippers over the tit pockets, you stupid pig.

That’s like the next level of fatness up from Velcro shoes.

He's got a mean face doesn't he? Fuckin' Death Wish villain

~ Otto

Jesus Christ, Bobby needs help. He's at that point in his obesity where the fat starts removing unique physical traits. It's just a blob with a familiar voice.

Is this fat fuck going to lose weight for his son? He will be dead in 2 years the way he is going

Good Ole Blobby Jelly

You missed it, blobby, ya big fat pig!

I wanna hang Christmas ornaments off him.

What an absolute travesty of a human being. It will be a miracle if he doesn’t eat max

RIP all of Bobby Kelley's pants without elastic waistbands.

Bobby is like a man on a mission when he is hungry. I can't believe he would have missed a serving.

That’s like the next level of fatness up from Velcro shoes.