So so so so so itโ€™s because of their speech you blocked them?

1  2018-11-23 by RBuddCumia


So about 4 actual people

Blocking people for saying mean things on social media is the epitome of cool.๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿฟ

I hope Joe dies just to be resuscitated and die again.

Like a bald Jesus

"Have you heard the good news? He is dead."

0 notifications, shocking. This loser never disappoints.

I can't believe he got the less/fewer difference right. Of course, simultaneously, while revealing how he thinks the internet works. "If I can't see them, they must be GONE!"

Probably about 20 actual people with multiple accounts

Look at all those blocked accounts. This is definitely one bad ass you don't want to tangle with.

What a fucking pussy.