My (((friend))) on fb said he enjoys Thanksgiving, even though its both goyish and colonialist...

1  2018-11-23 by Every1ShouldBKilled

I get why he'd say "colonialist" because he's an SJW, but what does the "goyish" part mean?

Figured you guys would know...


the pilgrims were not Jewish.

Tell that fuck to stop appropriating our white culture

But I dont get it: Is it a dig at non-jews?

To be honest I'm not exactly sober so I completely forgot what I was mad at already.

jews calling a holiday "goyish"

It's a term they use about anyone that isn't Jewish. You see, they're the chosen people in the eyes of god. The germans were a bit annoyed with that, but meh its their thing.

Sounds like hate speech to me.

He should record it next time & upload it to various social media platforms while complaining how offended & upset it made him.

He should also dye his hair pink when he does it. It'll look more authentic.

"Goyish" is sort of equivalent to the "nigger" in "nigger rich," but "goy" is way the fuck more hateful than "nigger" is.

Despite my parentheses I've never heard anyone pull a "goy" in real life. It's so beyond vulgar, this r/opieandanthony regular is always slightly startled by it.

Put that guy in an oven at your first convenience.

So would you also say that "goy" is equivalent to the word "nigger" in general?

I'd say it's worse because nigger only applies to one race whereas goy apploes to literally anyone who isn't Jewish. The goyim are there to serve the jews and nothing more, according to the Talmud. It's very much an insulting term.

whereas goy apploes to literally anyone who isn't Jewish.

No, it applies to everyone, Jews and none-Jews alike.

From the wikipedia:

Goy (/ɡɔɪ/, Hebrew: גוי‬, regular plural goyim /ˈɡɔɪ.ɪm/, גוים‬ or גויים‬) is the standard Hebrew biblical term for a nation.[1] The word nation has been the common translation of the Hebrew goy or ethnos in the Septuagint, from the earliest English language bibles such as the 1611 King James Version[2] and the 1530 Tyndale Bible,[3] .... The first mention of goy in relation to the Israelites comes in Genesis 12:2, when God promises Abraham that his descendants will form a goy gadol ("great nation"). In Exodus 19:6, the Jewish people are referred to as a goy kadosh, a "holy nation".[13] While the books of the Hebrew Bible often use goy to describe the Israelites, the later Jewish writings tend to apply the term to other nations.

Some Neo-Nazis are trying to pitch it as the new n-word, which just seems like it detracts from the rest of their message - if that's bullshit, what else are they lying about?

It means you should end this friendship immediately.

It really disgusts me when Kikes refer to us as “goyim” or “gentiles”

Oh please you know what the triple Parenthesis are but you don't know what 'goy' is? It's a somewhat derogatory term for non-Jews. A ruder way of saying Gentile.

You're ((((hilarious))), MDE reject.