The new Coen brothers movie on netflix sttttiiinnnnkksss!

1  2018-11-22 by RelevantField

It might be their worst.



Their last great film was No country for old men and it's nearly 12 years old.

They should pack it up, pair of kikes.

True grit is pretty good. But yea everything since then has sucked

That was decent but a remake so they lose points.

Except it wasn't a remake. It was an adaption of the same book, they didn't give a fuck about the shitty John Wayne one.

Apropos Old West. Is it as big a letdown as "Red Dead Redemption 2"?

What was wrong with rdr2? I haven't tried it yet.

It's high budget mediocrity. A shitty interactive movie. The world is huge and soulless, but also tiny when you consider that it's supposed to represent a huge chunk of America while a trip from the North to the swamps of the South takes you about 10 minutes. The illusion of being in a giant world was more credible in the first Deus Ex even. Same goes for the illusion of freedom. There is none in this game, the story is strictly linear. I also start to hate the characters who moralize all the time while being fucking mass murderers. One time I killed about 20 people for dynamite crates. One reason why I prefer GTA V, your characters were all scumbags which was somewhat consistent with gameplay.

The AI is as stupid and omniscient as it was in GTA San Andreas: You can't hide, the enemies always magically know where you are, but pathfinding fails all the time in more or less dramatic ways. The controls are clunky. The interactions with objects is a real challange at times when they are cluttered. The inventory is a chore. Most of that could have been prevented if the developers didn't care that much about looks and useless details. The processing of input is often delayed in favor of finishing slow animations. I could ramble on and on about how this game is disappointing. It's not bad. I'd give it a 7. The hype and the fanboys just annoy me.

You lost me when you complimented GTA V's characters.

Holy fuck I can't imagine how bad the PC port will be.

Glad I didn’t buy it today then.


RDR2 ruled, what are you on about?

what are you on about?

No need to be rude over a videogame, you fucking piece of shit.

It is very boring in places and not challenging in the slightest. Travel 12 minutes to press X on a thing, oo a gunfight, god all these guns are boring, oh no someone snuck up on you best press B. Ok that was close, best ride 12 minutes back to the place.

It's not worth the giant circle jerk saying it's the greatest game ever made, but it's still pretty great


It has to be better than Hail Caesar, no?

That movie was hard to sit through.

Is not that bad, but still shitty

It was worth it to see Josh Brolin ragdoll that fart sniffing manlet Clooney

It had a couple of good moments, but didn't really work as a movie.

The last Paul Thomas Anderson movie was worse though, at least the Cohen brothers try to be funny.

Liam Neeson throwing the armless, legless freakboy off the bridge was a good touch. More violence than I expected in the first story. I though it was fun, Tom Waits was great as well.

You’re fucking nuts you Jim norton movie taste having motherfucker.

I like Barton Fink. True Grit wasn't weird enough so I stopped caring about them.

If you like classic Coen Brothers check out a classic french movie called Buffet Froid (Cold Cuts), made in 1979. It often makes those 100 best film lists. It stars Gerard Depardieau and it's hilarious.

Fuck off eurofag.

They've had a few clunkers over the years I wasn't into burn after reading or hail ceaser and wasn't men who stare at goats them to? Correct me if I'm wrong

I liked it. As with all anthology style stuff some parts worked better than others. I had zero expectations going in. Didn't even know it was a series of short stories.