A Very Rocket Thanksgiving

1  2018-11-22 by TheRocketRosenthal

The Rocket is here, at his local soup kitchen, handing out food to nourish the body as well as the spirt,. And as I do I remember what I have to be thankful for. The O+A sub championship, the bevvy of bodacious babes, and most importantly my Rocketeers. Especially my brother in arms, Abe. The Rocket wants to say thank you on this day. Thank you to my fans and thank you to my detractors. For it is you who give me the boost to keep fighting, to keep winning. Houston, we are thankful.


Hopefully the Rocket is serving vegan only meals...

The Rocket serves all

Fuck abe

Fuck you

You don't insult a Rocketeer, especially the number 1 Rocketeer. Now, look here ma'am, the Rocket was taught to respect women, even shixas. So you stop with the Rocket hate and we will be just fine. If you choose to continue then I will be forced to challenge you to a match at January's ppv, "MLK Madness" I'm giving you a choice. Houston, you have a problem.

hey nigger how about the insult that is you skipping over my comment and basically telling me to fuck off

i tried to help you with your dumb bit and look at you. your whole game is, come in post this rickey henderson bullshit and engage the trolls.

like i said, high school. hasnt tried beer yet. nice undescended testes, stupid.

Seems like someone has some unrequited love for the Rocket. Sorry to break I to you but I you are looking for a soft hand to fondle your genitals, you have come to the wrong place. I'm sorry that Becky Lee Hornacek never touched your Dingle berries but it isn't the Rocket's fault. If you are looking for a champion of the people, by the people, and for the people, then the Rocket is your man. Every true Rocketeer knows that if the Rocket doesn't answer you directly then he answers you in your heart. So ask yourself, are you a true Rocketeer? No one, and I mean no one , talks to the Rocket like that. I'll give you the chance to apologize. And if you don't? Well, then I believe there is a Red Glare in your future. Houston, you have a problem.

im going with, definately high school age. hasnt tried beer yet.

whats got you laughing today rocket. do you talk normal or you really commited to the 'bit'?

The Rocket is a jabroni.

I think The Rocket is Fez.

if you mean gay then no. just socially maladjusted.

I hope you die on Christmas Eve and no one finds you until New Year’s Day.

Doughey! Glad to see you survived and worked up enough courage to show your face again. Still having nightmares of the Red Glare? And you laying lifeless in the center of the ring? Get to the back of the line doughey, you are in The Rocket's rear view mirror.