Now that Missy has left the compound, this is the only company Anthony will have this Thanksgiving and Christmas.

1  2018-11-22 by Mr_Nigel_Igger


Nice support class stupid.

Only women and fags play support in any game

He's my hero.

Imagine the horrors this cat has seen.

Some of this stuff almost makes me feel sad for him.

Then I remember that he is an alcoholic closeted homosexual who also abuses xanax and cocaine, fucks children, and ignored his dying mother for five long years.

You earned it, Cimio.

Remember when on O&A he talked about having hired people to come over, put up his christmas tree and decorate his home? He seemed to really love that.

I guess he's cutting back on expenses during these tough times. Just a quiet christmas with the cat now..

Remember when he brought his electric bill in and read it on the air boasting about his electricity costing more than most people's monthly mortgage payments?

Fuck him. He was always an asshole.

It's all come full circle now. Struggling with his taxes, his business is hemorrhaging money, releasing a failure of a book which in itself is something he joked about and said he'd never do back in the good old days.

If his heart holds out for 5 more years he'll be completely broke.

I’m the opposite. I brag to other peasants about how low my montly apartment maintenance/common fee is and how I could quit or get fired from whatever job I have at that moment and just go work at a Taco Bell to pay my bills.

Like giving millions of dollars to a hobo

Did she really leave him?

Muscles Missy probably had a holiday bodybuilding event to attend.

She didn't show up for his book signing. So this place has taken that and run with it.

What, did she find a guy her age that also had a pool?

Beav, get down from there.

Where the fuck is my Beav?! FUCK!

All he needs now is a few more cats and for Anheuser-Busch to start selling Bud Light by the box.

They do. It’s called a 24 pack and Ant drinks two a day.

"No no I only drink about 36 cans a day"


The little guy always makes an apprehensive face

Missy is gone? Who's going to feed Beavis during Tranpa's 18-hour drunken comas?

hopefully beavis eats unconscious nana

It looks like Beavis has already had a go at Nana's face.

I remember him talking about how cool it is to have a cat over a dog because he can just fill the food bowl and leave for a week...

Is stupid fucking Battlefield always on in that house? How is his K/D still negative after a that time?

He's a geriatric with decades of alcohol abuse and some crack smoking in his past so his reactions must be horrible.

He probably just likes the contact with children he gets online.

Its weird a single guy has a Christmas tree isn't it? Who is it for?

It’s not for social media posts!

Neighbourhood children?

I hope that fucking alcoholic doesn't let the catjump off the top of that ladder.. he might get hurt.

Feed Beavis.

I hope that ladder leads to a noose.
