Club Soda Kenny's son died

1  2018-11-22 by Dont_be_a_faggot_

According to Mark Normand.


He was probably a piece of shit like his father

Whole family's rats.

I think his son was military.

combat related? wasn't he in the military?

I think he was a fairly new cop

Some footage of the tragic event

Of course. Why would he pass up those nepotism bonuses? A cop and a jew, he must have gotten Captain as a starting position.

Please be schwoogies.

The son was definitely a cop after the military. Kenny talked about him having to wear a body cam and it saving him from a peep who lied. From some vacation pic, it looked like he also had a younger son.

Damn dishonest easter candy.

He was in the faggy Air Force. They don’t go into “combat”

-retired Marine that can y’all shit about them since I’ve dealt with them for decades.

They play golf and softball. Then bitch about per diem rates

What are your thoughts on the Navy? Im in A school right now but im at Lackland Air Force base for my specific job. I can totally attest to the fact that the air force seem like a bunch of spoiled faggots

Navy is great. Better gig than Marine Corps.

Yep that does sound pretty baller

Live a simple yet comfortable life. No complaints. .

For the guys who aren't choking down busporic acid and freaking the fuck out every other minute. Digging rfid chips out of their arms.

Your tinfoil hat is crooked sir

Nope, I was just writing what I experienced with two different Marines I worked with at Microsoft. They were both on a bunch of those drugs from the VA and always thought people were talking shit about them around the corner and that the government was spying on them. But brag more about "pay's a'comin in 7 days!" like that makes you a badass. Successful people don't have to count down the days they get paid you used up old thug for the bankers.

Well then ignore their brags. Don’t know what to tell ya. People may think people are talking behind their backs while you actually are so that confirms their allegations. Successful people don’t count down is based on your arbitrary rule, not anyone else’s.

Look at the retard who joined the fucking Marines instead of the Air Force and then complains when others had it easier.

Retard was an Air Traffic Controller so I got three reenlistment bonuses on top of actual conducting combat operations in al anbar.

What about YOU character?

Good for you for making E9. I goof on moto fags, but I’ve never had an issue in my time working with Marines. My only issue with people making fun of the Air Force is that nobody has more “that’s not my job” lazy unprofessional shamming cunts than the Army.

Do you have a CAR? Combat V? Air medal? I’ll say No. In general I love aviators who provide CAS. The vast majority of Chair Force don’t do shit and you know that for a fact. They are sassy “sista’s” who worry about fucking hair and jewelry regulations instead of doing their mission.

Change MY mind.

Did someone hurt you? Who are you even arguing with?

Replying to whatever feckless twats that are attacking me here. People must have you blocked because fatso fans are attempting to hurt me on a dumb forum.

Do you usually get somewhere with nihilists by signaling they’re bothering you and insisting you’re a tough guy?

A little self deprecation goes a long way.

Self deprecating in this sub? Yea, roger that.

And now you’ve retired to leeching off your brother and getting owned by libtards while taking 12inch doozies at the BA Ranch. Thank you for your service.

Damn right I’m “leeching” 😂 it’s called EARNED fuck stain. I held up to my side of the agreement and now you taxpayers do to. Don’t hate on me, go to your nearest recruiter and sign on up. Did three decades in uniform while you’ve done what other than reticule online in a worthless sub? 🤠

Oh that’s right, your balls are only heavy online...

It’s ok, my leach check will arrive in eight days right on schedule.

I’ll think about you when it hits clown.
Now kindly tongue my asshole punk.

Not sure your grasping the tone of this sub.but I’m a gay asshole punk with a nimble tongue who got hard when you said you would think about me AND I’m a sucker for dudes in a uniform so please, go on.....

Good for you enjoying dick. I don’t need a sucker in uniform fanboy. I have a wife that has stood by my side for 2 1/2 decades. Enjoy your dick while I’ll enjoy my pussy. To each their own. Don’t harm me or my loved ones and don’t touch my property and we will get along great gay guy.

So I can touch your loved ones?

Consensually? Yes

  • Wimper Fi, cunt.


Yeah I just went to college for free.

So did I

Imagine doing that without having to fight in some shithole.

I did and survived. Got mad hostile fire /eminent danger/tax free/location pay/family separation pays that I didn’t know what to do with! I spent a whopping 8 bucks a month on haircuts by the hadjis. Good times. Fed, sheltered, medical, dental, all provided compliments of you fat taxpayers. I thank you.

Ew, stop calling people character

Here's the deal about the military, from one vet to another, nobody and I mean nobody gives a fuck.

Do what you were supposed to do, shut the fuck up about it, and move on in life. Please. You're insufferable.

I guess you’re not that big of a fan not knowing the “what about you character” bit. I thought I was dealing with Uber fans that had stalking level dedication in here.

It was kinda funny when they did it. Not you

My God you're impressive.

The USAF gets the best pay from what I hear too.

Best food, best bases/conditions, easiest boot camp, easiest jobs generally, etc. The Air Force is the way to fucking go.

Not the best pay. Pay is equal across all branches. Bonuses vary. Air Force does have the best bases but their promotions suck. I know many an E5 retiree from the chair force. That pension check is not even close.

At least they get out of the military and move on with their lives, unlike faggot Marines who decorate their cars until the day they die or suspect their pot-smoking neighbor of being gay.

My car isn’t decorated with anything. I’m proud of my service but don’t advertise.

What about you character?

The guys dying for Israel are the real mean in charge? Real tough guys

What? Israel? Piss off clueless jerkoff

He nailed your ass


Kike lover, you fags can't even use that bullshit excuse of "fighting for your freedom" anymore lol.

Real mean: famous for having to explain that they’re real men.

Internet shitposter: famous for thumping up behind the safety of their computer screen.

Whatever makes you feel like a tough guy.

Ok soy boy.

Keep telling yourself that, it’ll distract you from your insecurities.

Telling me what? You impact my real life 0.0000%. Piss off creep. You wouldn’t look me in the eyes in real life yet alone spew your dreck to me in my face.

Go away irrelevant douche.

You think so, huh? That’s cute.

I do. You’re nothing but a keyboard warrior. Prove me otherwise. Link your accomplishments. Please.

Why? So you can say you don’t believe me? There isn’t a man alive that I respect that talks about how tough they are on the Internet. Add you to the pile.

I don’t even bat an eye on worthless kids such as you. Your irrelevancy is epic in my eyes. Good night fellow O&A fan, go back to your insignificant life and I will do the same.

Your life isn’t insignificant. You served your country with honor, and I have a feeling you’re a conservative like I am. I have nothing against you. But you couldn’t be more wrong about me. Have a good night.

You know you're doing exactly that harder than anyone in this thread, right?

It’s because Air Force people learn real skills that translate into well paying jobs in the real world whereas Marines get out with zero skills. All they have is their gay ass Marine bravado and jealousy of the branches that create engineers and other skilled jobs. No one cares you played with guns and mud wrestled with each other, Ricky Recon. Eat a dick. Fuck you for your service


No. Jimmy, and not Nordon

We know

Who are you gonna believe...?

Didn't Alex Jones talk about some rule that military couldn't become members of law enforcement on that episode of OnA where the guys defend Chris Kyle when he said he punched Jesse Ventura or no

Nice, punctuation! me.

Active military.

Laughing at a Rich Vos show?

No-one laughs at a Rich Vos show

Nice hyphen, stupid.

Maybe he's really referring to a specific guy named "No-One."

Nice dead son, stupid.

That piece of shit creamed his pants whenever he had to deliver bad news to parents.

cutesy john feder posts around here enrage me. he got to hang out with dice in the 90s thats where it begins and ends.

Ack ack, stupid.


Was his son retarded too?

CSK was a dickhead, but the son didn’t need to die for his sins

Like J.C he didn't need to but did anyway.

What if Kenny really wanted a Vizio

Yeah he did

Fuck Kenny. Always seemed like a bad guy. Hopefully he'll die soon too

Kenny doesn't get enough hate probably because he's pretty forgettable. Dead-eyed, lurch looking, lumbering retard.

Poor kid, what happened? Any autists feel like digging it up, I'm too busy drinking and exposing myself to children.

Former cops are notorious abusers and Kenny is a retard on top of it. He probably went into a tard-rage and killed the kid.

Kid was military at one point, though I assume he's not still active duty.

Safe to say he isnt active at this point.

That's a good combo

Was Patton Oswalt around? Just asking questions.

As of now Patton has still said that he didn’t murder his son...


I wonder if whoever iced KSK son thought so?

Get a load of John Locke over there!

Damn that actually sucks

That's...that's terrible. I'm sorry.

Ay naay

How'd your son die?

Thoughts and prayers.

Who fucked Frankenstein?

So your son, I know your son was killed...

I wish Kenny was dead.

That's a real bummer


For you.

Have we started the fire?

No, it's been always burnin.

Hopefully he was shot by a cop so Kenny can say it was justified

Bet you wish you spent more time with him instead of wiping faggot comedians' asses all day, loser.

Good. Happy fucking Holiday you piece of shit. Enjoy crying at everything the next 6 weeks

Good. Happy thanksgiving guys

Sincere condolences. Nobody should ever have to experience that.

Nice sincerity, stupid

I'd tell you if I wasn't being sincere. Honestly.

Can murderers enter contracts?

Fuck club soda Kenny and his kid after what he did to Pat Duffy

Which one? Shootout or combat?

Where did Mark Normand say this?


I really hope this isn't true. I was recently listening to a show with Patrice, where Club Soda Kenny's son was shipping off to Iraq.

I really hope his son is ok.

Oh well

That isn't very nice to say. You shouldn't be so callous about it.

Your username is how I feel about the whole situation.

What is he a hard patch of dead skin or sumthin

Good. Kenny hasn't made me laugh even once


Where are you guys seeing this? Nothing on his timeline says anything about this.

He said it on the Patreon Tuesdays with Stories. It sounded like he probably shouldn't have said it and he read a text out loud, "Oh jeez Club Soda Kenny's son died!" The episode ended right after that.



"Club Soda Adam, whats the haps?"

Why do so many people hate CSK? I always liked him. Him singing “secret agent man” should have exonerated him from our hate for all eternity.

No but seriously, I’m genuinely asking. I would tell you if I wasn’t.


I hear ya.

Doug Fedor- It was the younger son, not the cop/vet. Possibly drug related.

Nice elaboration on your post stupid. I love this sub and all but posts and comment like these give me douche chills, if the mans son really died, why would we make jokes for upvotes. This sub is truly pathetic and should the event come when we get shut down, it will be (and rightfully) so shut down.

A dudes kid died and yall posting one liners...that’s pathetic, shame on you, you fuckin miserable queeb.

Nobody asked you, faggot.

Enough with the jokes!

couldnt of come at a worst time.Thanksgiving xmas and new year.OH well fuck him he used to treat people like shit

Yom Kippur, Sukkhot,Purim...

  • Is this the son he wanted to fuck in his "sets"?


One less kike

Sucks his son died. But Club Soda Kenny is the epitome of a shitty cop. No doubt he abused his power with the badge, he pretty much brags about it. But thoughts and prayers.

Ay naay

How'd your son die?

Do you usually get somewhere with nihilists by signaling they’re bothering you and insisting you’re a tough guy?

A little self deprecation goes a long way.

Nice sincerity, stupid

Internet shitposter: famous for thumping up behind the safety of their computer screen.

Keep telling yourself that, it’ll distract you from your insecurities.