Almost like thinking 100s will show up for a book signing...

1  2018-11-22 by perch97


And then 4 people show up and one of them is Bobo

Who Keith picked up on the way from Rossyln Heights

...And another is Big A.

Stupid old Nana

One more sweet sherry for nana then it's off to bed.

I hate ant but he isn't wrong about this.

The level of delusion here is sad. Say what you want about the ballwashing compound regulars. I hate them and am disgusted by them. But they're still fans who Anthony didn't know at one point, and he's still inviting him into his own home despite being ridiculously paranoid of people.

The fact that there has never been one single instance of this in Opie's case should tell you all you need to know. The one exception is Anthony himself, who, at one point at least, was just another dumb fan.

There are easily hundreds of better things - hypocrisies and falsehoods that are concrete - in that shit pile Ant calls a book to smash him for.

You think inviting fans to your home is a good thing?

I thought Anthony never met Opie's kids.

So bc Opie couldn’t find a few hanger on’s with nothing better to do on a weekend then watch each other sing karaoke and play poker so it validates what Ant says about him?

I loved interactions with our fans and always had a blast

Especially the passed out fans.

Wow, this must be why he didn’t like callers or interns.

Anthony's like a scorned ex-wife.

A nigger?

My buddy did a contest back in the NEW days. One where they stood in a kiddie pool and had to hold their piss for a PS3 I think. This was back when they were huge and we were all big fans of the snow. Anyways, he said the exact opposite of this. Opie was the cool guy who signed shit and took pics and Ant couldn’t be bothered. The second the show was over fled the studio with his GF. Given this was a contest where people were standing in a pool of piss so that probably grossed Ant out but still, it contradicts this whole thing.

Edit: they stood in the pool holding a condom around their dicks filling with piss. Last condom not to break won.

bet his learned this from hazing

Are you implying that Anthony’s recollection isn’t as honest as he claims?

There have been plenty of people who said this exact same thing. That Opie was actually super cool while Anthony was a dick. We’ve also heard plenty of stories about how each of these guys was cool to fans at one point or another, so I’m not going to hold that against them. Everybody has bad days. It’s much more disgusting that they stab each other in the back, it won’t work out their issues for the sake of the show, and aren’t funny anymore.

Also wasnt all interns told to never make eye contact with nana? Class act

Wasn't they?

Yup. Been to the old 58th street studio a few times. Anthony wouldn't look at the audience or acknowledge them off air, Opie would come by and say hi during the break.

true story

kenny is a cock sucker

Good point

That competition sounds amazing.

I bet it was Opie's idea. He always was the brains of the outfit.

According to the book opie is to blame for adding “church” to Sex for Sam.

I was at one of those appearances. Fact: Anthony sat at the bar by himself wearing a sheepish grin. His only company were 4 empty shot glasses waiting to be filled. It never happened. The management announced last call after 20 minutes. 10 bouncers escorted him out. He had nothing.

Are you stugots from Ron and fez? If so, do you have any stories about Fred from Brooklyn?

He's a fat fag.

so he is saying they were big but no one liked Opie?

or they were no bodies and had no fans?

He's saying that he's an alcoholic who thought everyone at the bar was his fan because he was blackout drunk.

Opie is the only one you could have a normal conversation with. Imagine trying to talk to Erock and never having seen Dr Who.

trying to talk to Erock and never having seen Dr Who.

Doctor who? tsk

Jim actually did that joke in his latest Chip episode.

You guys really watch the chip show?

I watched it to see if he did anything different for his LA special. He called it a "reboot" show. It's still just Jim using Chip to creep on women.

Opie didn’t go to the bar because he had a wife and kid, Ant went to the bar because he’s an alcoholic and a pedophile.

Opie probably thought the fans were stupid creeps(rightfully so) while ant was so lonely he befriended all of these garbage people

I can corroborate this because I am a fan as well as a garbage person.

So you see, it didn't bother me at all when the protest at sirius after my firing consisted of two people who have been to my house. I was prepared for that shit, unlike stupid opie.

That’s kind of douchey on Opie’s part, and it’s a dick move to have been rude to Anthony’s girlfriend, and Opie was mean to people, and so on... but none of this is worth the treacherous disloyalty showed by Ant and Jim behind Opie’s back for almost a decade. Even the things detailed in his book, I keep waiting for some bigger shoe to drop. Most of the asshole behavior on Opie’s part was probably from exasperation of working with idiots and guys that stroll in at 6 o’clock while drunk, or spend the entire show on pal talk, all things that Anthony admitted to. And he doesn’t understand why Opie could be pissy? And no matter how many times they say that Opie is paranoid, it’s easy see that just isn’t the case. They were going behind his back, they were making fun of him, they did hate him, they were lying to his face. He wasn’t paranoid he was correct.

Anytime he talks about their problems it’s Opies fault. He and Jim were two saints who were forced to work in slave camp conditions under this totalitarian leader. I find it funny he holds resentment bc Opie didn’t go to management and say “he goes I go”. You spent the last 4 years shitting on this guy behind his back with everyone on the show yet want him to blow up his career bc you were taking pictures of lights on scaffolding. Right.

Jimmy getting a complete pass for signing like 3 times and not going to CM

it’s a dick move to have been rude to Anthony’s girlfriend god forbid anyone isn't nice to Anthony "I don't believe in love" Cumia's jailbait trophy girlfriends. Surely he wouldn't imply that the sextape with Bam Margera was real, would he?

Or being able to respect the chick who blew one of your interns to save a lobsters life.

Something he'll admit on reddit but not in his tell all book.

Also Opie acknowledged that it was wrong of him and gave a genuine apology live on the air.

I think this every time Ant talks about Opie. His first "Walking on Greggshells" episode, where I thought he was finally going to reveal everything about Opie, I found out he... snapped at interns? Was this maybe because they were on the air and Opie couldn't turn to them while the mics were hot and give him instructions?

It's crazy. So little to reveal about Opie and apparently Anthony just fucking stewed in his hatred for over a decade because he was too much of a scared little sissy to ever say anything about it. It just makes Ant look terrible.

I'm not Opie rich but if I ever see him I'll buy him a grapefruit beer. In the end he was always a good dude who had nothing but shitheels surrounding him.

One of they're biggest fights was Ant texting Jimmy calling him a cunt for not looking at him. Ant tries to sell the narrative Opie acts like a chick but even admits they did used to hang out a lot at one point. And what about trashing him in a book or putting him on poker chips or a pillow to punch. Keep ya head on that swivel brotherman

While Ant is the punching bag of the hour, he's not wrong here. Before my Opie hate really focused I remember feeling decidedly uncomfortable by how much and how unironically he would scream and impersonate a true rock star when he made his entrance for live events.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKERS ROOOOOOOOOOOCK-YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAA"- [draw it out for as long as it takes for a wild loud return scream]

... you're just a bunch of dudes saying dick jokes into microphones.

It is douchey, but honestly, how many things can you think of from the late 90’s-mid 00’s that wasn’t?

Take some advice from us and lose some weight, alright?

both of them were nothing without the ticket giveaways.

Is his whole book him shitting on the guy who gave him the chance to become rich and never have to work a real job again?

Every job is a real job, anyone who says otherwise is just a bitter cunt who can't accept that they drew the short straw. I'm no rock star, but pretending to be proud of a game you lost is just sad.

Nice projection, stupid.

It's not really a projection if I don't do that shit, and I'm not off base in my statement unless you happen to be a millionaire who got that way by sitting on his ass all day, but I've had enough of these kind of interactions to know a brick wall when I see one, so by all means, happy thanksgiving.

(And this wasn't a defense of Cumia by the way, in case there was any confusion here. Cheers.)

hes saying that getting paid millions to sit an talk for 20 hours a week is easier than a real job, not totally sure what youre referring to

No shit it's an easier job, but he didn't say "hard job" he said "real job" I just don't like the backwards elitism, trying to take pride in busting your ass and not making nearly as much money, it's weird and dumb.

That and the details of his relationship with twitter

Thinking your fans are your friends is like thinking the waitress really does thinks you're cute.

"I love the interaction with our fans."

Lies. Lies. Lies. You were banning people on pal talk and bitching about callers who disagreed with you for 10 years before your firing.

I can corroborate this because I am a fan as well as a garbage person.

Who Keith picked up on the way from Rossyln Heights

...And another is Big A.