“Anthony is an unapologetically masculine man”

1  2018-11-22 by senselessdegenerate


Did Anthony date Dani because she kind of (looks and sounds) like a trans boy? I'm probably not breaking any new ground, but holy hell.

Either way she looks like she's 12 and that's enough for him.

The creepy part is how he watched her grew up and he has been thinking about it all along

No I think it's more that she play acted as a child for him. In one of Gavin's early shows on the network you can hear her doing it. It's fucking creepy.

can't watch that shite, yeah i'd fuck danni but just hearing her sounding like a retard, him sounding like a poof, fuck that

Anthony has terrible taste in women

Well being that he’s mostly into men who pretend to be women, it has clouded his judgement.

Can’t believe he never got sound to biting the shit out of her until December.

This gives me chills. Who hasn't been at the tail end of a dumpster fire of a relationship and had to sit through a crazy bitch pushing and prodding like this?

It was funny when she told the world that Anthony can neither achieve nor maintain an erection.

I like her. I find her funny and endearing, and this coming from a guy who legit can't stand any female stand up comic. I guess I like she seems truly quirky, not just some shallow dummy using that word to account for her annoying princess syndrome. She's probably exhausting to be around all the time, but I don't find her way of talking irritating.

hi dani

what a charming pair

She looks like she doesn’t shower as often as other girls

What an annoying cunt.

I'd still fuck the shit outta that crazy bitcg

was that the night she got she wrist broken?