For what exactly?

1  2018-11-22 by RBuddCumia


Looks like he has some of that soy sauce on the side of his head

" know it's been an especially bad year. I've already had to cut Missy off and she's left me. I'm afraid it's time to cut off your payments too."

"But I supported you, Anth! Look at this post I made on Facebook!"

"Y..yeah. you're right, Joe. Maybe I can sell Beavis to buy some more time.."

Everything Anthony is thankful for

Is Joe going to post a video of him photoshopping with the green screen and try to pretend that’s “work”, too?

His skin is varying degrees of dehydrated piss.

He wears that shirt unbuttoned to let you know he likes to party! Even if it means biting a woman and trying to stop the 911 call.

"Speak your mind!"

"Black people... are bad!"

"Hell yes this is what the founding fathers would have wanted"