When confronted with our very own investigative journalist's "erroneous" information, Jobless Joe Cumia lied and said "at least 50" people turned up and bought signed copies of Ant's leaflet.

1  2018-11-21 by McGowan9

50 purchases would be just as pathetic as 4, Joe, you imbecile.


The B&N kid said 20 people turned up. That's including Keith, Joe, Bobo, Big A. Presumably a couple of the poker game faggots like Mike the Marine and Fred from Brooklyn. There was at least one lurked from here, that guy who posted about it.

It must really have got through to Anthony how finished he is. No one could be that delusional. I look forward to picking his Rogan appearance apart. Who wants a bet he breaks down on it?

Are you saying Joe's speech makes him a liar?


The face he's making on the book cover is the exact same face he'll be making ten years from now when he stumbles upon those cases of unsold copies he stashed away in the garage and forgot about back in '18. Except it'll be more of a self-loathing cringe as opposed to whatever the book cover is supposed to be.

He's not going to make it another 10 years. That ticker is waiting to do another jitterbug on him.

Even 50 at a book signing in NYC is sad.

I’m glad Joe leached onto Anthony’s book signing. For fucks sake! Does Joe have to involve himself in every single one of Anthony’s endeavors? Radio, Podcast, Book Signings. That fucking loser wouldn’t be able to navigate one day of his pathetic life without Ant.

That nigger is full of shit.