Civilian Joe asks if the military will let him use their $10,000 an hour combat plane for a trip down memory lane

1  2018-11-21 by Ant_Sucks


Lot of money to peel at 35,000 feet.

Do you have any programs that would let an old man jump out of a plane despite the fact that I haven't jumped in decades and actual current service members get permanently injured all the time doing this?

"I'm sorry sir, but we don't have a program like that. We would love to see you and your peeler back here on Bragg, May 21-24 to help with the mashed potatoes."

Joe deserves a helicopter ride

At sosas house.

You want me to take you up in my C130 becase SSSSSOSA SAYS SO!?!

Always looking for a handout

Family values & fiscal responsibility

"Mr. Cumia, you're in luck, we actually do have a program like that available, should I sign you up?"

"Uh... well I got a big gig coming up at a Quizno's on Staten Island so I should probably take a pass. If I got injured and couldn't play I don't think blind David Letterman would ever forgive me".

He thinks they'll just forget he was dishonorably discharged.

Maybe they'll cut a deal and let him jump if he brings back the sack of potatos and the frying pan he stole.

With dont ask, dont tell now repealed..

Will the circumstances of Joe's shameful departure even cause a hubbub?

If he really wanted to re-live his military experience, he'd have a couple dozen men throw potatoes at his fat, gay head.

They sure don't, Joe. If you liked it so much you could have stayed in for 30 years

If this fucking leg passed Airborne school I would be amazed.Fucking POG.

He does write like a dirty fucking leg. I know as I too am one.

Hello I'm a former member of Seal team 6, any chance me and a few buddies could take a trip down memory lane and take a black hawk to a compound (media) in Abbotabad Pakistan?

Why would they want to visit Anthony's birthplace again?

Pakistani is about the only ethnicity that Nana the Grecian street sweeper, doesn't slightly resemble.

Yes, Joe because letting civilians jump out of government aircraft isn't a potentially massive lawsuit. Fucking idiot.

Whoever wrote that response must’ve had a real laugh with the rest of the PR department. It’s the most polite way anyone’s ever said “No, you stupid fuck, it’s dangerous!”

"Does 82nd have any programs that give veterans the opportunity to relive a military jump from a C130?..."

"No, just combat veterans. You know, real men. Not potato peeling faggots."

You know lots of countries have mandatory military service for all men yet i bet no one calls themselves a veteran after it.

If you werent in combat youre not a veteran you douche

This nigga is desperate for some unearned recognition.

I think it's safe to say that sixty year old people who endlessly babble about the good old "glory days" of their youth have probably led fairly uneventful and boring lives, to the point where they constantly need to reaffirm to themselves and everyone else that they weren't always fat, old, stupid and boring.

That retard knows damn well that the fucking army doesn't run fantasy camps, he just wanted to gloat about his military experience again without appearing to be doing so. I like how he pretends he was really thinking about ALL the veterans and their best interests with his sub-moronic question.

At sosas house.