11/21/18: “I’ve gone on the air and implored people to get off social media” - Anthony Cumia

1  2018-11-21 by crookedmile


I like to imagine that they intended to submit a photo with a nice background, but someone forgot to do it

Calling someone an animal is not serious social commentary

its a goof

However, looking back on the incident, Cumia now realizes it was the wrong move.

“You don’t post any serious type of social commentary when you are insanely angry about a situation that just happened,” says Cumia.

In other words, he still misrepresents what he said and takes zero responsibility for his firing. That's why he's called Anthony "personal growth" Cumia.

"“I’m an absolutist when it comes to the First Amendment. I think everything is a topic for discussion.”

But not subreddit as he'll offer money to shut them down. He blocks anyone and everyone that disagrees with him on Twitter. And lets not forget forums like Wackbag where he had to have his mod rights taken away because he hated how people were talking about him and was banning people like crazy.


“I’m an absolutist when it comes to the First Amendment" "My Family is OFF limits"-A. Cumia

Sorry shitdick, this isn't how it works.

It’s quite common though I find.

The people I’ve met who consider themselves ‘straight shooters’ who ‘tell it like it is’ are always the most sensitive to something said in reply.

It’s really just that they want to be heard and the first amendment is a good excuse for that until it’s used against you.

"You’ll notice that we are temporarily putting our Comments section on hold. Our team is currently working on developing a new environment and process for reader comments that will encourage comments that are constructive, informative and useful while discouraging those that are offensive.

We have a responsibility to all of our readers to maintain a commenting section both vibrant and respectful. We expect to have that in place later this year, and we appreciate your patience."

Doesn't sound like an open & honest discussion to me.

My god, that is the perfect photo to represent Compound Media. He was too lazy to just get the fuck up and walk 5 feet in any direction so he just had them shoot it in front of his creased green screen and went with that.

The title refers to his ban from Twitter for a racially charged tweet after getting punched by a woman in Times Square in 2014.

No it doesn't.


"There are people out there that will never accept me and that's fine," says the shock jock, who has just written his memoir.

He's talking about straight people.

hahahahaha fucking ewwww

When asked if an “Opie & Anthony” reunion is in the cards, Cumia says: “I never say never. The Eagles, Van Halen and Guns N’ Roses all got back together, so who knows."

Yes, because a Cumia nigger joke is the comedy version of a van Halen solo