Anthony's shit book is already being unloaded by stores as Publisher Overstock and Remaindered. Nice book sales, stupid

1  2018-11-21 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


how do you get to that point the day after the book is released?

My guess is very low pre-orders. It boggles my mind that they would print a lot of copies up front instead of a limited number and more pressings if there's demand.

Looks like Keith found a printing house that uses the same business model as The Compounds t-shirt department

What gets me is they print hardback books in batches of a thousand, and do another run if they look like selling out - that way the publisher doesn't end up with a shitload of unsold inventory. If we're seeing all these unread copies for sale on day one, it looks like they have a lot of unsold books from that initial thousand.

It's looking like those estimates of Nana selling 200 or so copies were right after all.

Well the Tribeca B&N has 102 copies on hold for sale right now, so they definitely printed more than 1000

Wait - that's after Ant's Big Signing?

They were told Ant has over 100,000 subscribers by Keith


Any idea what he might of even made on this toilet paper?

probably made between $5,000-$15,000 on the advance, 10% royalty on the first 5,000 copies sold. i assume the paid the ghost writers in blow jobs.

paid the ghost writers in blow jobs.

I'm sure it was more to his benefit than theirs.

Nana can't afford to feast on premium Sue goo every night, but she still has to eat

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you don't clear the sales goals, you can actually owe part of your advance back.


Thank you for your spit?


Still somehow 3.5 stars on Amazon.

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #942 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

2 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Radio > General Broadcasting

28 in Books > Arts & Photography > Performing Arts

42 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Movies > Biographies

He must have bought a few himself.

Arts and photography?

Lol, is there a scaffolding section too?

"I saw the animalistic negress walking through the scaffold and I was like "I took your picture" and she was like "Hell no you didn't, gibs me dat camera, cracker!". And I was all like "I am an armed citizen! Refrain from your violent tirade."

Then some bull negroes approached from the north and tried to involve themselves in the dispute. I was like "Back off, this ain't your show" as the ebony prostitute continued to beat me about the head in an attempt to relieve me of my camera. The bulls, knowing they would be bested by my keen street smarts, went back about their pack business.

3.5 stars is because Amazon put a freeze on reviews and took at least four negative reviews down. I'm sure Nana of Keith bitched and moaned to Amazon.




Thanks for the arrows.

I really wanted to emphasize how terribly Anthony's book sales have been.


I just like arrows. They're hella coo'.


It’ll be in the $1 clearance section of Half Price Books within 6 months.

Used-Very Shitty

Next stop is to show up in Goodwill with the cover ripped off.

It's still $21.75 though. Let's wait until it hits the 99¢ bin.

It's still far too expensive. I might bite once it gets to free.99, but I still might just use it to wipe my ass since it's cheaper than toilet paper and I know I'd be hurting Ant's feelings. Yes, I know he's an old man, but he's still just the same pissy eyed faggot his Dad said he was.
