Tony Krueger trying to paint herself as some kind of ladies man is possibly the most embarrassing thing about an already very embarrassing attempt at a "memoir."

1  2018-11-21 by McGowan9


This nigga trying to pretend he wasn't an acne-ridden pipsqueak in highschool. Instead he thinks he was some steal-your-girl, charming Casanova.

In reality, the best he could do was to marry Joe's leftovers. Disingenuous liar.

Well, imagine the type of girl that would talk to Joe Currie, that's the type that he tried to "steal"

A girl that likes to uncle fester lookin niggas?

Not just a liar. A disingenuous liar.

Yeah, he's a real dick.

Oddly he totally leaves out that Jennifer was Joe's sloppy seconds.

He does say that he cheated on his gf with Jennifer, and came home smelling like sweat, pussy, and sex. So he tasted Joe's cum?

He also left out he met Melinda through watching her blow an intern. Or how me fucked his friend (at the time) Danny's girlfriend.

He made it up by fucking Danny.

Niggas got a sloppy second fetish

To an extent, I believe some of this. The older fans will remember that Anthony was always the guy dating 8th or 9th graders with daddy issues when he was 18 or 19.

So yeah, he probably picked up lots of 4s who were not yet driving age with your standard creepy “I got a car and a modicum of cash” poaching.

Nice fiction Nana.

This lothario with his nigger hair, aidsy body & skin as smooth as a pineapple, broke many hearts.

He was banging cabana boys, two at a time!

Well let me tell you something my Sicilian Tunisian friend

While Anthony did dedicate his book to his mother, he is still devoted enough to dear old dad to include an "I'm not gay, daddy!" chapter. Also, I think when Joe Currie told him, "Ant, you're a fucking weasel!", he was probably describing his looks.

Page 30 - "My dad was a lot like me, completely fixated on women"

He actually wrote that. Or rather drunkenly dictated it to "Brad and Johnny."

Hey, pizza face. Your dad was an inadequate failure who shunned your mother and you and your siblings to hang out with Mexican men on the other side of the country. At best he was a closeted homosexual. You're right, you are a lot alike.

Beige mentioned it in one of the docs, he covered all of his life in great detail but leaves out his entire pizza face high school years except for "yeah I dropped out because p.e. was too hard." He picks back up the life stories as a homeless 30 year old. He was so embarrassed that he was a no pussy getting skinny midget zit faced wimp bitch.

Just like Jesus.

I almost mentioned that actually.

The guys who fail gym class get mad pussy.

I’m actually shocked that this fucking psycho thought these words were worth committing to paper. The fucking nerve required to hire ghostwriters to document some gay jigaboo’s wholly boring and dull high school years is unprecedented.

What a massive egomaniac

Did he charm them with his FBI crime statistics?

Chicks dig a man who could quote Mien Kamph.

"I was so desirable that it transcended gender. I was getting offers for blowjobs from my friends in my treehouse when I was 8."

Is this book supposed to be humorous or is it really just ant telling stories about his life that are not interesting?

It wanted to be the former but turned out to be the latter.

"Autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful. A man who gives a good account of himself is probably lying, since any life when viewed from the inside is simply a series of defeats." -George Orwell

This quote couldn't apply more

I wrote a book to show people how cool and amazing I am. Your welcome.

and how much better I am than all of you.

Wasn’t it revealed that Nana only had one actual girlfriend before he married Joe’s sloppy sexonds?

This is just so poorly written.

This nigga thirsty for seconds

What he doesn't mention is the skanks he fucked were ugly as shit and he was probably offering them free coke, booze, and weed. Even when he was a millionaire he never scored anything higher than a 6.5.

To be fair both Stetten and Nicolini were higher than a 6.5, at least when dolled up. But Anthony's such a low self-esteem jerk that he openly admits he was bewildered that either one of them gave him as much as a second glance.

Yes, we've seen Stetten without makeup and professional lighting and photography. 6.5 is generous. I'm sure that's the same story with the guinea weathergirl.

Anthony really is a horrible person.

A "more developed perspective" as a kid? Yeah right. I guess even back then he was hanging out with the Bobo's and Big A's of his class.

my guy friends

Pissy eyed faggot

"I was", "I would", "I ended", "I know", "I was", "I left". Going to assume an editor wasn't involved in publishing this book.

Get this, I even stole my brother's girlfriend and made her my wife! Then she divorced me and took Millions HAHAHAAA HOOOOOLYYY SHIIIIIIIT!!!!!

So basically, this biography is what he wished his life was.