Could it get any worse for Tony?

1  2018-11-21 by RBuddCumia

I mean after last night I honestly almost feel sorry for him. CM will be closing up shop soon.

Mark my words.


He never had the makings as a writer or podcast host.

It was his small hands.

Jim wasn't there, Colin (who lives down there), Landau was absent. It got no press coverage even with the protest.

And let’s not forget the “protest” consisted of two awful, overweight bums. And yet Antony thinks of himself as the mediterranean Ben Shapiro.

No, no - Big A and Joe were supporting Ant, not protesting.

Not even his fans can muster up a lie to excuse yesterday's pathetic nightmare.

Another heart attack any day now.

I honestly thought that would happen last night. If there were a few more protesters, I think it would have.

When I start to feel bad I remember that Tony and Joe literally pretended their mom was dead for 5 years because she had Alzheimer's. Still his life is not good.

almost feel sorry for him

he does almost seem too senile to fight back.

I would hope so.

The holidays are a very bad time for TrantH, he's going to take another hit soon.

And let’s not forget the “protest” consisted of two awful, overweight bums. And yet Antony thinks of himself as the mediterranean Ben Shapiro.