What a Street shitter sees when they look up

1  2018-11-21 by Mr-Wrinkle-Paws


It amazes me that country is still standing

Its scary to think it'll be a world superpower sooner than you think.

Its the definition of quantity not quality

It'll honestly be the beginning of the end. Im not a racist man but I've only met a handful of Indians that I can say are decent people. And my area has a large amount of em. My buddy from highschool wasn't allowed to have friends over because "other races were filthy"


that's why they need all dem wires n'shiznit

Already have a ton of nukes.

People that rape together, stay together

Ever seen District 9? The street shitters remind me of the Prawns.

Nice nationwide theft of service, stupid.

Its scary to think it'll be a world superpower sooner than you think.

People that rape together, stay together