Did Anthony discuss that bomb of a book signing on his show today?

1  2018-11-20 by SteveTech74


probably not. i dont pay for his show so i wont know til i get the free RSS Feed.

Looked through the breakdown of what happened in the show and it appears he completely ignored it, surprising no one. I'm shocked Brother Joe hasn't gone on a social media rampage though. Nana's sycophants must be monitoring him until he forgets about the book signing.

No. Dave Landau brought up trolls making fun of his name, calling him Blandau, Landcow, etc..... Anthony said he had no time for trolls now, and it takes a lot out of him. He'd rather just play video games.

god he is such a bitch. The thing would have been to act like it went great and show pictures of cops and protestors as if they came to get books. bad photoshops to change their signs to say random show references. add more markers and a stupidly huge pile of 'used up' ones

but nope he pulls this 'positive vibes only guys' faggotry unless he is shitting on someone else

Keith pulled it