All Quiet on the Cumia Front

1  2018-11-20 by crookedmile

It's pretty telling that Joe hasn't mentioned the book signing on social media at all. I mean, he typically writes 600+ words on the most banal and boring shit, hard to believe this wasn't the first thing he would post about. My guess is Anthony/Keith wants to wipe every trace of his disastrous book signing appearance online ala Beyonce


I bet Nana scolded him about making a scene with the two fat protesters.

More likely he complained about Joe's antics behind his back.

Im sure he gave all options careful consideration, and then opted for whichever he felt was the most cowardly and pathetic.

Nothing from Anthony on his show yet either?

Not a word, with 30 minutes left.

What a bitch he is

Did he even mention the book? Its the day his book is out, that seems like a big plug day.

That really shows it enraged him. If he was able to talk about it and laugh it off, then it probably stung a little, but not that bad. Its when there is radio silence from the weasel bunch, particularly Anthony, that you know he was breaking glasses and grinding his teeth the whole evening.

That's the compartmentalization he's got between his show act, VS his other shit like twitter, his threats to shut down this sub for $5000, his book signing, saizanZ being invited then told he'd be arrested for showing up, etc etc. I guess he thinks the show watchers (online) don't look at the rest of the internet.