
1  2018-11-20 by crookedmile


I'd still fuck Dawn in ways those two degenerates can only dream of


Are you implying that the Cumia brothers fuck her good?

Boy did that just send my witty comment right into the shitter.

You have to feel bad for Dawn. She is trying

She really seems innocent. The rest of the family is trash.

I hate using the term "This didn't age well" but...

I don't like that whores Gene Simmons wig.

At least The Cumia Brothers kept their hands off Dawn for a photo for once.

Three Arabs

How far is Jersey from Tibeca?

I'm 40, have 2 brothers and a sister. We're close. We text frequently see each other in person once a month or so mainly because we have kids and there are birthday parties and such. I think that's pretty normal.

These three animals are in their late 50s to early 60s and do fucking EVERYTHING together. Its so fucking bizarre.

I hope your faggot kids get cancer and you have to get them tiny little caskets, you aged pedo.

I wouldn't expect anything less from you, fatso.

The Staple Singers seem to never age.

Poor lady, you can tell that she wouls die for those two delusional faggots.