I really can’t believe Nana thought we were going to allow a book signing to occur.

1  2018-11-20 by puffco67284

What a thick fool.


We? What exactly did you do?

Nothing, he's a delusional loser faggot like nearly everyone in this sub, who has no steady job and finds joy in ruining other people's business opportunities. I hope the people here doing all this get sued after a subpoena to reddit reveals their identities.

Anthony why do you rape children?

Anthony Cumia is a pedophile.

All the sub did was let nature take its course.

No, this sub did nothing, certain faggots from here took it upon themselves to go out and actively interfere with the lives of people from the show and harass them, all while pretending it isn't about Anthony's political views, because most people here are faggot liberals.

This retard thinks we’re all liberals hahahaha

You faggots all whine about Ant's political views and then actively sabotage his life - yes you're fucking liberal faggots who need to die.

Kill us with your guns then

we hate Ants genetics as much as he does

Anthony's lack of popularity ruined the book signing. This sub had nothing to do with it IMO. he just sucks.



I was retweeted by NYCantifaa so I'm basically a mastermind behind this

Thank you for your service

It's just nobody wanted to go. He did this to himself.

Nice attempt at bonding with strangers, stupjd

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Job done! You just ruined his life, didn’t ya?? Will you still let him have his podcast?? Pretty please, with sugar on top!? I’m a fan and if you take that away I’ll have nothing!

*It’s thicc.

"We" should have. By sending protesters to the signing, you dumb assholes validated all of his delusions about being targeted by liberals, rather than allowing him to wallow in his obscurity.