"So he's there with Dawn and Joe...his family...one of the biggest nights of his life...4 people show up... just FOUR! And then he gets escorted off of the fawkin premises"

1  2018-11-20 by AnthonyGroomia


At least Opie had MILFs show up at one of his little meet-ups.

he had moms of children at an expensive island you could only get to by boat. glad you brought that up, thats what i want to listen to. five upvotes people are fucking stupid.

8 upvotes now. Nice try with the hate tho.

fucking ewww with your batch of ready-made opieisms. youtuber.


52 upvotes. Lol.

an island you have to reach by boat???? now i've heard everything

I want to go to the boat island

I wanna see the laughing Opie movie.

Moms? Island? Boats? This Opie guy sounds like a class act

This would fit well in that multi panel Vince mcmahaon meme. Or that gif too.

Lonely Virgil. You only need to change the banner to a green screen.

More friends show up to hang with Opie when he's podcasting from bars in his neighborhood. Make fun of the audio quality all you want, but the guy actually has people who don't have to be bribed to be happy to see him.

Ant can't even get more than a couple paid sycophants to bother outside of his family.

don't have to be bribed

doesn't he take care of his guys?

He does because he wants to be fair, not because he has to. Those people would lose an arm in order to spend one hour with their hero

Yes? Because he didn't want a co-host and used that money to pay his friends instead.

you can feel the lack of enthusiasm behind the opie love bit just withered and flickering.

your strength this whole time was not the bit, but the legion of 10-15 internet fucktards that pumped life into the bit, defended it, caretook for it and carried it foreward.

the opie love bit was just an exercise in holding hands with internet strangers and feeling like youre part of something.

meanwhile what ive been saying the whole time WHO GIVES A SHIT IF ITS NOT FUNNY.

Ha-ha, you care too much.

i care the right amount.

Haha, faggot.

You mean pay "for" friends I believe.


If there were no scoots Sherrod and Vic wouldn't come withing five miles of Opie.

"I was howling!"

My favorite part about all of this is that he probably used the subscriber count of this subreddit as proof that he had an audience ready to buy his little pamphlet.

He'll have cases of books sitting in his movie theater for decades.

like the ending of citizen kane

hahahaha fuck your dumb bit. no heat! sad.

lol weak downvote numbers. month ago id get charred at -20.

Brothaman posting is eroding your mind. Hahaha

this man is raising someone elses retarded children

I wish Gregg wasn't above such content.

Has Opie ever been funny? Him with no Anthony is just awful

Certified DILF. Look at those luscious breasts.