Anthony fucked up a "DEFCON levels" analogy in his book

1  2018-11-20 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


DEFCON levels go backwards, with DEFCON 1 being the highest. Wetbrain says that his father's DEFCON 1 is the lowest.

Also, he completely abandons the metaphor at DEFCON 2. What a fucking idiot.

Yes yes, we all know about the W.O.P.R

I can't believe he isn't fully versed in Defcon levels. The Soviets could attack any minute

turn your key sir.

Why is this weirdo intricately detailing how his father used to spank him?

The way Ant turned out is a ringing endorsement for peaceful parenting.

Jesus Christ. I'm surpised he left out the precum in his tighty whities once it was over.

His dad would say, “Don’t bust my chops!” and he never knew what that meant, causing him to think, on one occasion, that he was referring to one of his power tools even though he had heard him using that phrase in other contexts. Also, if Ant was old enough to want and know how to use power tools wouldn’t he be old enough to understand figures of speech? Something tells me Ant is full of bologna.

you mean Anthony failed to hire an adequate lector?

If only he knew a vet from the 82nd Airborne Division who could teach him the differences.